Chester County |
D M Currey and H T Anderson being duly affirmed, say that they will well and truly, and without prejudice or partiality, value and appraise the goods, chattels and credits, which were of Moses S Halteman late of East Vincent township, County and State aforesaid, deceased, and in all respects perform their duty as appraisesers to the best of their skill and judgment.
Affirmed and subscribed before me, the D M CURREY
22nd day of January 1921 H T ANDERSON
My Commission expires
March 3rd, 1923 Notary Public
Of all the goods, chattels and credits of Moses S Haslteman late of East Vincent township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, deceased.
Mortgage Oscar Miller no interest due 1400 00
accurued Int. 14 78
Mortgage Lewis C Eggling & wife ---------------------- 400 00
accurued Int. 157 80
Mortgage Wiliam H Weaver -------------------------------- 4000 00
accurued Int 7 26
Mortgage William H Yeager----------------------------------- 2200 00
accurued Int 19 50
Mortgage John N Okidorf ----------------------------------- 2500 00
accurued Int 9 10
Mortgage Isaac R Townsend-------------------------------- 800 00
accurued Int 5 94
Mortgage Ner Evans----------------------------------------- 950 00
accurued Int 17 10
Mortgage Jacob L Stauffer--------------------------------------- 1100 00
accurued Int 83
Mortgage Harry Keffer-------------------------------------------- 400 00
Bond Joseph T Taylor --------------- No Interest due 150 00
Mortgage Edwin P Yeager -------------------------------------- 2000 00
accurued Int 108 13
Bond Isaac Oberholtzer and wife --------------------------- 225 00
accurued Int 10 50
Judgement Note Hiram D Heistand----------------------------------------- 800 00
Note Josiah S Halteman ---------------no Interest due 2645 00
accurued Int 47 25
Note Josiah S Halteman------------------------------------ 1800 00
accurued Int 2 10
Note Josiah S Halteman ------------------------------------ 100 00
accurued Int 242 56
Note William S Halteman ----------------------------------- 500 00
accurued Int 866 54
Note Warren Halteman-------------------------------------- 1450 00
accurued Int 70 30
Note Warren Halteman ------------------------------------- 200 00
accurued Int 71 40
Note Warren Halteman-------------------------------------- - 325 00
accurued Int 33 75
Note Thomas Taylor------------------------------------------ 300 00
accurued Int 18 61
Note Fred L Stauffer-------------------------------------------- 500 00
17 shares of National Bank of Spring City, par $2000 ----------------------- 2210 00
accurued Int 52 33
Bond Borough of Spring City School District----------------- 1800 00
4 shares of Ridge Avenue Farmers Market Co. --------------------------------- 240 00
Amount Carried Foreward 30,775 38
Saving Deposit National Bank of Pottstown, Pa ------------------------ 5275 77
Certificate of Deposit Citizens National Bank of Pottstown------------------- 7038 76
Saving Deposit Union National Bank of Souderton--------------------- 2282 50
Saving Deposit Royersford Trust Co.------------------------------------- 4993 62
Saving Deposit National Bank of Spring City-----------------------------11829 14
Checking Account National Bank of Spring City------------------------------ 525 67
Checking Account Royersford Trust Co-------------------------------------- 2621 46
Checking Account Union National Bank of Souderton--------------------- 712 00
Cash and checks on hand------------------------------------------------- 58 75
TOTAL 66,113 05
2 lots on Arch Street near Spring City, in East Vincent twp. Chester Co. Pa. at $25.00 each
50 00
Taken and appraised this 22nd day of January AD 1921
H T ANDERSON Appraisers