- [S4] 1830 U.S. census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, (East Southwalk), page 211, National Archives micro-publication M19, roll 158.
- [S35] Family Bible records of Copes-Bissett families, The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by the special command of His Majesty King James I of England. With marginal notes and references. To which are added an index; an alphabetical table of all the names in the Old and New Testaments, with their significations; tables of Scripture weights, measures and coins. Embellished with maps and historical engravings. (No. 171 Market Street, Philadelphia, I. Ashmead & Co. Printers,: McCarty & Davis, 1832); now held by Charles W. Wolfram, Northfield, New Jersey.
- [S36] Robert Woods, return of death no. 1629 (1903), City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

- [S45] Elizabeth Woods, death certificate no. 116693 (1913), Department of Health, Division of Vital Records, 101 South Mercer Street, P.O. Box 1528, New Castle, Pennsylvania Digital images online "Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1963," Ancestry.com, accessed 5 October 2015.

- [S97] Obituary of Mrs. Mary Woods, The Atlantic City Press, Pleasantville, New Jersey, 5 September 1937.

- [S132] World Family Tree Volume 4, pre-1600 to present, CD-ROM (Novato, California: Brøderbund Software, Inc., 1996), tree no. 1658, customer pedigree created by William M. Heller, now of Ocean City, New Jersey.
- [S149] Mary Woods, death certificate (September 1937), Office of Registrar of Vital Statistics, 18 North First Street, Pleasantville, Atlantic County, New Jersey.
- [S178] George V. Copes household, 1850 U.S. census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Southwark, 2nd Ward, page 107, dwelling 209, family 230; National Archives micro-publication M432, roll 821, viewed on-line from HeritageQuestOnline.com <<http://www.heritagequestonline.com/>>, the number 28 is handwritten in the upper left-hand corner.

- [S182] Jerome Smith household, 1915 New Jersey state census, Atlantic County, population schedule, Atlantic City, Fourth Ward, Third Precinct, There is no sheet number, but it should be 6; no dwelling or family numbers are recorded, New Jersey State Archives, Trenton, New Jersey. Microfilm 1465501, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S217] John Bissett household, 1880 U.S. census, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Plumstead Township, enumeration district no. 149, supervisor's district no. 4, page 55, dwelling 438, family 536; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 1106, viewed at Images On-line Project at. <<http://www.ancestry.com>>
- [S220] William M. Heller, "Robert & Elizabeth WOODS family group sheets", 6 May 1985 (then residing at Sweetgum Rd., Levittown, Pennsylvania 19056, now Surf Street, Ocean City, New Jersey). Researched from original records (census, vital & burial records, newspapers) and family memories.
- [S221] Duplicate Cemetery Deed to Robert Wood, 7 September 1869, Book B, page 377, deed no. 7632, original deed destroyed 3 August 1881, a duplicate was issued at request of owner. Photocopy of duplicate supplied to me by Robert Wood's great-grandson, William Heller of Ocean City, New Jersey on 7 August 2001, Mount Moriah Cemetery Association, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.
- [S222] Robt. Woods household, 1880 U.S. census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Philadelphia, enumeration district no. 520, supervisor's district no. 1; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 1184, viewed at Images On-line Project at. <<http://www.ancestry.com>>
- [S231] Geo. V. Copes entry, Return of a Death, City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- [S250] Registration of Marriages in the City of Philadelphia, City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The microfilm was hard to read.
- [S270] Mary Woods household, 1915 New Jersey state census, Atlantic County, population schedule, Atlantic City, Fourth Ward, Third Precinct There is no sheet number, but it should be 6; no dwelling or family numbers are recorded, original census at New Jersey State Archives, Trenton, New Jersey. Microfilm no. 1465501, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S274] Mary Sweeney household, 1915 New Jersey state census, Atlantic County, population schedule, Atlantic City, Fourth Ward, Third Precinct, There is no sheet number, but it should be 6; no dwelling or family numbers are recorded, New Jersey State Archives, Trenton, New Jersey. Microfilm 1465501, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S284] McElroy's Philadelphia Directory for 1850 Containing the Names of Inhabitants, Their Occupations, Places of Buisness, and Occupations, Places of Dwelling Houses Also a List of the Streets, Lanes Alleys, the City Offices, Public Institutions, Banks &c., 13th edition (Philadelphia: Edward C. & John Biddle, 1850) microfilm 1000893, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S285] A.M. M'Elroy's Philadelphia City Directory for the Year 1856 (Philadelphia: McElroy, 1856) microfilm 1000893 item 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S289] M'Elroy's Philadelphia Directory for 1840: The Names of the Inhabitants, Their Occupations, Places of Business, And Dwelling Houses, And A Table of the Streets, Lanes, Alleys, And City Offices, Public Institutions, Banks &c., 3rd edition (Philadelphia: M'Elroy, 1840), the title page was dark and difficult to read, the rest of the film was acceptable. Microfilm 0983353, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S290] M'Elroy's Philadelphia City Directory for 1847: The Names of the Inhabitants, Their Occupations, Places of Business, And Dwelling Houses, And A Table of the Streets, Lanes, Alleys, And City Offices, Public Institutions, Banks &c., 10th edition (Philadelphia: Edward C. & John Biddle, 1847) microfilm 0983355, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S294] Old Parochial Register of baptisms, Banchony Ternan Parish, County Kincardine, 1820-1854 (originals deposited at New Register House, Edinburgh, Scotland) , microfilm 0993308, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S313] George Copes household, 1840 U.S. census, Southwalk, second ward, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, page 62, line 4, National Archives micropublication M704, roll 486, viewed at HeritageQuest Online at. <<http://www.heritagequestonline.com/>>
- [S490] Martha W. & Mary E. Bissett entry, Philadelphia City Births 1861: Book 2, page 253, line 21, registration date of 1 August 1861, lines not numbered, Department of Records, Vital Statistics, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. FHL microfilm 1289306, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S607] Harry Kline household, 1930 U.S. census, Atlantic County, New Jersey, population schedule, Pleasantville City, 2nd Ward, enumeration district no. 67, supervisor's district no. 13, sheet 23A, dwelling 597, family 623; Family History Library microfilm 2341045.

- [S638] William Chaniah household, 1880 U.S. census, Camden County, New Jersey, population schedule, Camden, 8th Ward, 1st Precinct, enumeration district no. 56, supervisor's district no. 3, page 34, dwelling 21, family 25; National Archives micro-publication T9, roll 774, page 408B according to the Family History Library; viewed on-line from HeritageQuest.com, census subscription.
- [S639] Jno. Bissett household, 1870 U.S. census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Philadelphia, 2nd Ward, 4th District, Philadelphia post office, page 54, dwelling 281, family 390; National Archives micro-publication M653, roll 1388, Book 1, page 27B according to the bound volume, viewed on-line at HeritageQuest.com census subscription data library.
- [S640] Geo V Copes household, 1870 U.S. census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Philadelphia, 2nd ward, 4th district, Philadelphia post office, page 137, dwelling 886, family 1107; National Archives micro-publication M593, roll 1388, viewed 16 May 2003 on-line at Genealogy.com census subscription data library.
- [S642] George Copes household, 1880 U.S. census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Philadelphia, 2nd Ward, enumeration district no. 33, supervisor's district no. 1st, dwelling 44, family 48; National Archives micro-publication T9, roll 1167, page 40a is stamped on the page, page 5 is written by the enumerator, viewed on-line at Genealogy.com census subscription data library.
- [S647] William Buck household, 1910 U.S. census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Philadelphia City, 45th Ward, enumeration district no. 1147, supervisor's district no. 1, sheet 5, dwelling 94, family 97; National Archives micro-publication T624, roll, viewed on-line from Ancestry.com Census Project <<http://www.ancestry.com>>, the line numbers no longer exist on the image, the family is enumerated at the bottom of the page, and it looks as if it might have been burned around the sides.
- [S690] George Copes household, 1860 U.S. census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Philadelphia City, 2nd Ward, Philadelphia post office, page 57, dwelling 410, family 445; National Archives micro-publication M653, the number 423 is stamped in the upper right hand conor of the page, while 57 was written by the enumerator, who had a very nice hand, viewed at Ancestry.com Images On-line Census Project.
- [S923] Gopsill's Philadelphia City and Business Directory for 1868-9, being a complete and accurate index to the residents of the entire city: their names, businesses and location; A full and actually classified business directory; An appendix of actually useful information of the banks, insurance companies, churches, city items and miscellaneous records carefully selected & arranged (201 South Fifth street, Philadelphia: James Gospill, 1868), compiled by Isaac Cota microfilm 1000896, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S924] McElroy's Philadelphia City Directory for 1863: names of the inhabitants of the consolidated city. Their occupations, places of business, and dwelling houses. A business directory; a list of their streets, lanes, alleys, city offices, public institutions, banks, etc., 26th edition (Philadelphia: E C & J Biddle & Co., A. McElroy & Co., 1863), printed by Sherman & Son microfilm 1377252, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S925] McElroy's Philadelphia City Directory for 1864: names of the inhabitants of the consolidated city. Their occupations, places of business, and dwelling houses. A business directory; a list of their streets, lanes, alleys, city offices, public institutions, banks, etc., 27th edition (Philadelphia: E C & J Biddle & Co., A. McElroy & Co., 1864) microfilm 1377252, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S945] Webpage Philadelphia Area Cemeteries (<http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8088/cem.html>).
- [S1317] The National Loan, The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 28 November 1861, p 8.
- [S1343] Burial permit for Hannah A Bissett, died 25 October 1907, New Jersey certificate no. 26674, . On-line at (http://familysearch.org/recordsearch/).

- [S1344] John Bissett entry, Philadelphia Pennsylvania death return certificates, no. 12108, died 17 May 1905, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Microfilm no. 1023279. On-line at <http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/>.

- [S1347] Hanah Copes entry, Philadelphia Pennsylvania death return certificates, City Archives, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Microfilm no. 1987496. On-line at <http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/>.

- [S1348] John Bissett household, 1900 U.S. census, Cumberland County, New Jersey, population schedule, Landis Township, enumeration district no. 133, supervisor's district no. 6, sheet 3B, dwelling 79, family 79; National Archives micro-publication T623, roll 961, the family number is 80, crossed out and overwritten with 79, the handwriting when it comes to names leaves something to be desired.
- [S1349] Amanda C. Bissett entry, Philadelphia Pennsylvania death return certificates, died 29 March 1875, City Archives. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, microfilm no. 2026654, on-line at FamilySearch Labs.org <http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/>.

- [S1484] A Curious Village and Its Lonely Inhabitants, The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 29 June 1902, p. 7, Summer magazine, on-line at Genealogy Bank.com,. <<http://www.genealogybank.com/>>
- [S1492] John and Hannah Ann (Copes) Bissett photograph, inscribed in pencil on verso "Grand pa & Grandma Bizzett on camp ground Malaga" it was photographed at the end of the 19th century or the very beginning of the 20th. They are shown sitting in the side yard of their cabin at the Malaga Campground, Hannah sitting in a rocket placed in front of a tree and John apparently sitting on a stoll. The photograph itself measures 4½" by 3¾" with a border of 7/8". It has been torn along the borders., in the possession of Charles W. Wolfram (Northfield, New Jersey).
- [S1498] Obituary of Robert Woods, The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 19 July 1903, p. 10, First Section, on-line at Genealogy Bank.com,. <<http://www.genealogybank.com/>>
- [S1682] Robert Wood household, 1900 U.S. census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, 25th ward, enumeration district no. 584, supervisor's district no. 1, sheet 138A, dwelling 30, family 30; National Archives micro-publication T623, roll 1466, digitized images online at My Heritage.com (http://persi.heritagequestonline.com/hqoweb/library/do/…).
- [S1685] Ancestry.com. Philadelphia, Passenger and Immigration Lists, 1800-1850 [database on-line]. Provo, Utah, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2003.
Original data: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1800-1882. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. Micropublication M425, rolls # 1-71. - [S1793] Union Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, burial records database, "Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records 1708-1985," digitizied images at Ancestry.com,.

- [S1794] Records of Funeral Director Oliver Blair, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "Pennyslvania and New Jersey. Church and Town Records 1708-1985," database, digital images on-line at Ancestry.com, accessed 16 September 2015.

- [S1809] Mount Moriah Cemetery, Register of Internments (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), arranged by date and first letter of the surname, Digital images on-line at "Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985," Ancestry.com, accessed 5 October 2015.

- [S2005] Robert Woods entry, page 129. financial records (1900-1911) of Rose Funeral Home, 2616 Bridge street, Bridesburg, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Digital image online Ancestry.com, database "Methodist Church Records" (http://www.ancestry.com).