- [S10] Henry S. Bower, A genealogical record of the descendants of Daniel Stauffer and Hans Bauer and other pioneers: together with historical and biographical sketches, and a short history of the Mennonites (Harleysville, Pa.: News Printing House, 1897).
- [S26] Almira S. Halteman, death certificate no. 108100 (9 Nov. 1915), Department of Health, Division of Vital Records, 101 South Mercer Street, P.O. Box 1528, New Castle, Pennsylvania.

- [S29] Moses S. Halteman, death certificate 129170 (24 Dec. 1920), Department of Health, Division of Vital Records, 101 South Mercer Street, P.O. Box 1528, New Castle, Pennsylvania, The personal information informant was his son, Josiah S. Halteman. The certified photostat copy I received was no. 0795160 issued 6 April 2000.

- [S49] Memorial card for the funeral of Almira S. Halteman at St. Vincent Reform Cemetery, East Vincent, Pennsylvania, 8 November 1915 (now held by Charles W. Wolfram, Northfield, New Jersey), among the personal papers of Wm. S. Halteman, later of Northfield, New Jersey, inherited 1959 by his daughter, Mary A. Wolfram, and in 2014 by Charles W. Wolfram. Personally examined by me.
- [S52] Memorial card for the funeral of Moses S. Halteman at St. Vincent Reform Cemetery, East Vincent, Pennsylvania, 24 December 1920 (held by Charles W. Wolfram, Northfield, New Jersey), among the personal papers of his son, Wm. S. Halteman, later of Northfield, Ne Jersey, inherited 1959 by his daughter, Mary A. Wolfram. Personally examined by me.
- [S53] (Rev.) A. J. Fretz, A Brief History of Bishop Henry Funck and other Funk Pioneers, and a Complete Genealogical Family Register with Biographies of Their Descendants from the Earliest Available Records to the Present Time (Elkhart, Indiana: Mennonite Publishing Comp., 1899). online at HeritageQuest Online, <<http://www.heritagequestonline.com>>. Hereinafter cited as Funk Genealogical Record.
- [S57] Josiah S. Halteman, compiler, Halteman Family Tree, genealogy (1914) Spring City, Pennsylvania Among the papers of Wm. S. Halteman, then of Norristown, Pennsylvania and later of Northfield, New Jersey, inherited 1959 by Mary A. Wolfram, and then 2014 by Charles W Wolfram, both of Northfield, New Jersey. The information was obtained from relatives, who related who was related to whom among their immediate families. The tree has no locations listed and precious few dates. Partial. Some pages of the original are missing. The paper is old, and must be handled with care. In some places, the handwriting can be read with more than one interpretation. It mainly lists the name of the family member, usually that person's spouse, and the children of that union. There are also reference numbers.
- [S64] International Genealogical Index (Salt Lake City: Family History Library).
- [S88] Moses S. Halteman will (22 May 1912, probated 12 January 1921), Will Book 44 Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania.

- [S120] A.J. Fretz, The Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Henry Stauffer: and other Stauffer Pioneers together with the historical and biographical sketches and Illustrated with portraits and other illustrations. (Harleysville, Pennsylvania: Press of The Harleysville News, 1899); this book can be found on the Internet at <<http://www.genalogicallibrary.com>> as a faithful word by word transcription, which was copied full text to an off-line file. It can also be found as digital images scanned on-line at HeritageQuest On-line.com <<http://www.heritagequestonline.com>>. Rev. Fretz states information was gathered from interviews with family members, family Bibles, letters, parish and public records in an attempt to preserve an accurate family history. He had done similar work for other families. Citations are mostly lacking. Hereinafter cited as The Stauffer-Stover Family History.
- [S126] Warren S. Halteman, death certificate no. Reg. no. 67, page 314; A787485 (5 April 1955), Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Registry of Vital Records and Statistics, Dorchester, Massachusetts.
- [S174] Jesse Schultz household, 1850 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Norriton Township, page 240, dwelling 177, family 180; National Archives micro-publication M432, roll 799, viewed on-line at HeritageQuest Online.com (http://www.heritagequestonline.com).

- [S195] Christian Haldeman household, 1850 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, West Vincent Township, page 46, dwelling 37, family 37; National Archives micro-publication M432, roll 765, viewed from images on-line at HeritageQuest Online.com <<http://www.heritagequestonline.com>> scanned from the microfilm.

- [S199] PUBLIC SALE of REAL ESTATE and HOUSEHOLD GOODS, unknown newspaper title, Chester County, Pa., November 1915, now in the possession of Charles W Wolfram, Northfield, New Jersey, this is a clipping from an unknown newspaper among the papers of his grandfather William S Halteman advertising the auction of goods from the property of his father. Hereinafter cited as Public Sale of Estate and Goods.
- [S200] George F. P. Wanger, "Vincent Mennonite Church Burying Ground Near Spring City, Chester County, Pa., Formerly Known as "Rhoad's Mennonite Burying Ground"", National Genealogical Society Quarterly IX (January 1921). as contained on Family Archives CD 210 (Brøderbund Software, Inc., 1998) National Genealogical Society Quarterly volumes 1-85, 1600s-1900s.
- [S244] Moses Huldeman household, 1880 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, East Vincent Township, enumeration district no. 91, supervisor's district no. 2, page 352C, dwelling 25, family 32; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 1115, this was page 3 of this enumeration district, viewed Images Online project of Ancestry.com. <<http://www.ancestry.com>>

- [S318] 1830 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, (Vincent Township), National Archives micropublication M19, roll 148, viewed at Images On-line Project of Ancestry.com and at HeritageQuest Online.com.
- [S327] Obituary of Mrs. Almira S. Halteman, Daily Local News, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 10 November 1915, sent to me 13 November 2000 by the Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, Pennsylvania, where this is on file. Hereinafter cited as Local News.
- [S330] Christian Halderman entry, Register of Deaths for Chester County, Penna., vol. 1, transcribed by the American History class of James A. Jones, Ph.D. of West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania and placed on the Internet at (http://courses.wcupa.edu/jones/his480/rod), Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Hereinafter cited as Register of Deaths.
- [S336] Almira S. Halteman, estate administration file 35259 (Docket K, vol. 11), Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Hereinafter cited as Almira S. Halteman estate.
- [S337] Inventory of the personal estate of Almira S. Halteman of Spring City, Pennsylvania, filed 10 May 1916 (Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania).
- [S373] Christian Halteman household, 1870 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, East Vincent Township, Pughtown Post Office, page 40, dwelling 351, family 344; National Archives micropublication M593, roll 1323, viewed Images On-line Census Project at Ancestry.com. <<http://www.ancestry.com>>
- [S374] Moses Halteman household, 1870 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, East Vincent Township, Pughtown Post Office, page 41, dwelling 359, family 353; National Archives micro-publication M593, roll 1323, viewed Images On-line Census Project at Ancestry.com. <<http://www.ancestry.com>>
- [S407] Letters of administration of the estate of Christian Halteman of East Vincent Township, Pennsylvania, file no. 24152, filed 6 September 1893 (Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania).
- [S408] Administrator's bond on the estate of Christian Halteman, 6 September 1893, file no. 24152, Administrator's Book G, vol. 7, page 338 Chester County Archives and Records.
- [S456] Christian Halteman, 1860 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, dwelling 898, family 918; county held copy held at Chester County Historical Society, 225 North High Street, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania, received a photocopy of the census page 13 November 2000.
- [S461] A list of members for 1881, (1 April 1882), St. Vincent Reformed Church, East Vincent township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm no. 1598063, item 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S496] John H Stauffer estate (1841), Chester County estate file number 10070 (West Vincent Township), Chester County Archives and Records, West Chester, Pennsylvania.
- [S519] Christian Halteman household, 1880 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, East Vincent Township, enumeration district no. 91, supervisor's district no. 2, page 9, dwelling 78, family 90; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 1115, viewed Images On-line Census Project of Ancestry.com. <<http://www.ancestry.com>>
- [S531] Administration bond on the estate of Jesse Schultz, filed 17 April 1863, estate file 14439, Administration Book E, Vol. 5, page 470 Chester County Archives and Records.
- [S541] Jesse Shultz household, 1860 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, East Vincent Township, Pottstown post office, page 97, dwelling 703, family 716; National Archives micro-publication M653, roll 1093, Clay Fox <<e-mail address>> looked up this record on-line at <<http://www.heritagequestonline.com/>> and e-mail me the image he obtained 15 January 2003.

- [S613] Theodor Emil Thomsen, birth record, Kirkerbøger: 49, no. 2, 13 January 1872, Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C460/A/009/02b05b06.Tif >, also may be viewed at microfiche no. 6115806, fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S616] Theodor Emil Thomsen, birth record, Kirkebøger: 71, no. 47, 12 August 1874, Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C460/A/009/01c03c02.Tif >, also may be seen at microfiche no. 6115806, fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S818] Almira S. Halteman, burial record, 11 November 1915, Church Records of the St. Vincent German Reformed Congregation in Chester County, Penna., page 28, entry 27. microfilm no. 1598063, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S821] Church Records, Record of Baptisms, (1853-1892), St. Vincent Reformed Church, East Vincent township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm no. 1598063, item 5, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S828] Register of Members, (1853-1939), St. Vincent Reformed Church, East Vincent township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm no. 1598063, item 6, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S841] Petition for guardian, 11 August 1870, this source is a photocopy of the original and mailed to me 31 May 2002; there is no file number attached to this document, held in Chester County Archives and Records. 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
- [S842] Petitions for guardian, 8 June 1863, Docket 24:183, made by Josiah Schultz, Elmira Schultz, and on behalf of Mary Jane Schultz; photocopies of originals held at Chester County Archives and Records.
- [S845] Account of money received by Moses S. Halteman as Guardian for Mary Jane Schultz, affidavit dated 12 June 1871, filed 14 June 1871, photocopy of original mailed to me 31 May 2002, original now held at Chester County Archives and Records.
- [S846] Accounting of Moses S Halteman of the estate of Mary Jane Schultz, read 11 June 1877, administrator docket no. 17, page 368, affidavit dated 6 April 1877, filed 24 April 1877, photocopy, orignal now held at Chester County Archives and Records.
- [S866] List of Contributors to the building fund, St. Vincent Reformed Church, East Vincent township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm no. 1598063, item 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S867] List of Contributing Members, (22 April 1867), St. Vincent Reformed Church, East Vincent township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm no. 1598063, item 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S872] Convocation minutes, Contributors to the Organ Fund, (1 May 1877), St. Vincent Reformed Church, East Vincent township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm no. 1598063, item 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S875] List of members who contributed by envelope, (Spring, 1895), St. Vincent Reformed Church, East Vincent township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm no. 1598063, item 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1310] Benjamin and Frances Halteman gravestones, Row 1, Vincent Mennonite Cemetery, Schuylkill Road & Mennonite Church Road, East Vincent Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania; Read and photographed by Tim Krystopa <e-mail address>, 2005-2007, on-line at <http://www.rootsweb.com/~pachest3/vincentmennonite/…>, webpage viewed 4 December 2007.
- [S1336] Louisa Halteman, death certificate no. 17101 (14 July 1914), Department of Records, Vital Statistics, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania microfilm 1429044, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. On-line at FamilySearch.org <http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/>.

- [S1510] Interview with Mary A. (Halteman) Wolfram, 25 August 2010, by her son the author of this genealogy, at her home in Northfield, New Jersey,.
- [S1776] A Record of the Names of those who were Lawfully Joined in the Bonds of Matrimony by the Revd. Jesse B Knipe, Pastor of the German Reformed Church in Pikeland, Chester County, State of Pennsylvania in "Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985" database, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 3 July 2015). Hereinafter cited as Marriages by Rev Jesse B Knipe.

- [S1808] East Vincent Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, Consolidated Lists of Civil War Draft Registrations, 1863-1865, NM-65, entry 172, ARC Identifier 4213514, National Archives, Washington, D.C., no. 199, image 202 of 245 images on the filmstrip Digital images online "U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865" at Ancestry.com, accessed 5 October 2015.

- [S1981] Moses S Halteman, Chester County probate file no. 38003 (recorded in Appraisement Docket M, vol. 13, page 582), Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Hereinafter cited as Chester County probate file.