- [S497] Old Parochial Register of marriages, Arbuthnot, County Kincardine, 1690-1819 ( New Register House, Edinburgh, Scotland) , microfilm 0993387, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S636] Wilhelm Ludwig Raackmann, death and burial record, Kirkerbøger book 6: unpaginated, no. 16, March 1845, Sønderborg, Sønderborg, Denmark, microfilm no. 0042834, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S754] Brigitta Christiandatter, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, April 1765, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S755] Berendt Christiansen, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 1, 1 January 1771, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S756] Hans Henrich Berendsen, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 4, 4 November 1767, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S757] Christian Bertelfen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 12, 12 January 1767, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S761] Jacob Berendfen, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 54, 13 October 1773, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S762] Christiana Berendfen, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 18, 19 April 1776, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S763] Jacob Råckmann, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 18, 6 May 1778, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S764] Christian Niciolay Raackmann, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 63, 26 December 1775, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S771] Josiah Granville Leach, "Some Account of the Pawling Family of New York and Pennsylvania", Publications of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania vol. VII, no. 1 (March 1918) Referenced on a Family Tree Maker CD-ROM Family Archive CD #213, The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, volumes 1-39 ©1998 by Brøderbund Software Inc.. Hereinafter cited as "Pawling Family of New York and Pennsylvania."
- [S775] Peter Zereketschy, death & burial record, Kirkebøger 1832-1837: 355, no. 27, June 1832, Domsognet sogn, Århus, Halse herred, Århus amt., Denmark, on Arkivalieronline.dk the page (opslag) number is 273 with the number 355 in the upper left hand corner of the page, microfiche 6110470, no. 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S788] Birth record of Ellen Christina Zerakitsch, 21 January 1787, Von Frue kirke (Our Lady's Church), Århus, Århus amt., Denmark, transcript of record received 6 September 2003 provided me by June M. Marcus of Greybull, Wyoming. The transcript was provided with translation made by the library in Århus, Denmark.
- [S792] Baptismal record of Johan Friderich Zerechetzhe, 11 July 1798, Von Frue kirke (Our Lady's Church), Århus, Århus amt., Denmark, transcript of record received 6 September 2003 provided me by June M. Marcus of Greybull, Wyoming. The transcript was provided with translation made by the library in Århus, Denmark.
- [S793] Baptismal record of Anne Elisabeth Zereketsche, 20 June 1800, Von Frue kirke (Our Lady's Church), Århus, Århus amt., Denmark, transcript of record received 6 September 2003 provided me by June M. Marcus of Greybull, Wyoming. The transcript was provided with translation made by the library in Århus, Denmark.
- [S817] Christian Jacobsen, death & burial record, Kirkebøger book 4: 485, no. 38, 6 July 1778, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S840] Peder Rasmussen household, 1801 Danish census of Bogense, Odense, at Adelgarde village, page 72, land register no. 48, serial no. 51, family 52, on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/Data/folketælling/FT1801/01718/01810.tif>.
- [S871] Lila James Roney, "Roosa Notes: Aldert Heymansen Roosa and the Identity of His Wife, Weyntje Ariens, who settled in Esopus, in 1660", The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record LXIX, no. 4 (October, 1938).
- [S889] Johan Hansen Miang, death & burial record, Kirkebøger vol. 4: 644, no. 26, 29 March 1793, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S894] Christian Berendfen, death & burial record, Kirkebøger vol. 4: 650, no. 52, 26 June 1793, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S898] Carl Friedrich Ludw. Raackmann--Margr: Torbs, marriage record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 11, 30 October 1764, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S899] Carl Friderich Ludewig Raackmann, death & burial record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 75, 30 October 1800, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S900] Brigitta Berehdsen, death & burial record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 2, 11 December 1801, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S968] Jacob Miang, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger, book 4: unpaginated, no. 4, 18 January 1767, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, micro-film no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S971] Sophia Margaretha Miang, death and burial record, Kirkebøger, book 4: 450-451, no. 27, 22 June 1775, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, micro-film no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S977] Johann Miang, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger, book 4: unpaginated, no. 56, 11 Nov 1777, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, micro-film no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S986] Johan Hansen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger, book 4: 136, no. 1, 2 December 1783, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, micro-film no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1017] "Heraldic Intelligence Notes," The New England Historic and Genealogical Register 98 (1944): 201.
- [S1018] "Fifth Part of A Roll of Arms registered by the Committee on Heraldy of the New England Historic Genealogical Society," The New England Historic and Genealogical Register 107 (July 1953): 190.
- [S1019] Johann Lasfen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 19, 7 April 1794, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, micro-film no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1040] Brigitta Jacobsen grb. Jasperfen, death & burial record, Kirkebøger book 4: 414, no. 72, 21 October 1770, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, micro-film no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1048] Mrs J Frank [Katherine] Kitts, "Lineage of the Pawling Family", Olde Ulster 1. A copy of the article supplied to the author by the Ulster County Genealogical Society, of Hurley, New York, 1 December 2004. The article lists the author as Mrs. J. Frank Kitts, the J stands for John, and her maiden name was Katharine WALLACE. She was the great-great-granddaughter of John Pawling 1732-1819, grandson of Capt. Henry Pawling.
- [S1078] Margaretha Hanfen Miang, death & burial record, Kirkebøger, book 5: 467-468, no. 34, 14 May 1805, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042833, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1080] Margaretha Elizabeth Raackmann, death & burial record, Kirkebøger, book 5: 631-632, no. 52, 12 August 1811, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042833, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1097] Maria Raackmann, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger, book 5: 72. no. 19, 25 February 1806, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042833, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1110] Wilhelmenia Brigitha Raackmann, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger, book 5: 83, no. 64, 10 October 1806, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042833, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1132] Wilhelm Raackmann and Anna Lange, marriage record, Kirkebøger, book 5: 947, no. 1, 21 December 1810, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042833, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1163] Richard W Davis, Leeman/Lehman/Layman family history, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 8 August 2005, located on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1186] Joran Hansen--Margaretha Sorensen, marriage record, Kiirkebog 3: unpaginated, no. 20, 3 December 1751, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042831, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1190] Johansen Miang, birth record, Kiirkebog 3: unpaginated, no. 32, 31 July 1726, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042831, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1191] Klaus Johnson will (1 June 1739, probated 30 October 1745), Will Book H, no. 40. City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 0021723, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1226] Hans Miang, birth and baptism record, Kirkebøger book 3: unpaginated, no. 52, 3 November 1753, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, the record is in very nice, legible, neat handwriting, microfilm 0042831, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1286] Michael Ziegler will (7 February 1763, probated 29 October 1765), Philadelphia County Will Book N, Will no. 235. City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 21726, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1287] Richard W Davis, Ziegler family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 28 December 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1534] Eleanor Switzer, death and burial record, Kirkebøger 1775-1814: 329, 4th entry, Torstrup-Horne, Øster Horne, Ribe amt., Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/kirkeboeger/Kirkeboger.asp>.
- [S1535] Peter Zaraskchifsci--Bodie Marie, marriage record, Kirkebøger 1749-1813: 25, no. 16, 20 October 1785, Århus Von Frue, Hasle, Åarhus amt.; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/kirkeboeger/Kirkeboger.asp>.
- [S1647] Athena Johnson Bogart, The Jensen/Johnson Family of Chester County (Millersville, Pennsylvania: DNM Printing, 1985). Hereinafter cited as The Jansen/Johnson family.
- [S1664] Some Herwijnen Residents: Roosa, deJong, de Fockert, Verploegh and other related families, online (http://www.oud-ophemert.nl/herwijnen/…), data last updated 7 December 2004.
- [S1898] Christopher Ziegler gravestone marker, Lower Skippack Mennonite Cemetery, Skippack, Pennsylvania; photographed by Lisa Phillips, (e-mail address), photograph uploaded 19 August 2011 to website Find A Grave.com (http://www.findagrave.com) where it is Memorial #53119028.

- [S2068] John Pawling will (5 May 1733, probated 5 June 1733), Philadelphia Will Book E, Will no. 325. The page numbers are obscured and very difficult to read. City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Digital images online at Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com).