- [S550] Johan Frederick Kiefendahl, death & burial record, Kirkenbøger 1815-1825: 54, no. 3, 1823, Horn, Horne, Ribe, Denmark, on Arkivalieronline.dk the opslag (page) number is 44, although 54 is clearly written in the upper corner of the page, microfiche 6116520 fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S578] Peter Christian Harder, death & burial record, Kirkebøger: 205, no. 12, 25 April 1863, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C461/A/020/07e01e02.Tif>, can also be found at microfiche no. 6115793, fiche 7, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S583] Maren Harder, death & burial record, Kirkebøger: 89, rt. 16, parish register C461, serial number 27, May 1881, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/kirkeboeger/Kirkeboger.asp>, FHL microfiche no. 6115796, fiche 3 or 4, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S587] Maren Hendrickdatter, moving in record, Kirkebøger: 224, rt. 35, parish register C461, serial number 7, 1831, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, viewed 6 March 2003; on-line at (www.arkivalieronline.dk/kirkeboeger/Kirkeboger.asp), FHL mocrofiche no. 6115786, fiche 8, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S589] Peter Jacob Harder, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 81, rt. 342, 22 October 1827, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C461/A/006/02b11b12.Tif>, also may be viewed at microfiche no. 6115785, fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S593] Julius Harder, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 12, rt. 87, 25 December 1834, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C461/A/007/01c01c02.Tif>, also may be seen at microfiche no. 6115786, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S597] Lucy Emilie Harder, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 92, rt. 23, parish register C461, serial number 7, 1840, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, viewed 8 March 2003; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/kirkeboeger/Kirkeboger.asp>, may also be seen at FHL microfiche no. 6115786, fiche 4, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S620] Anna Darthe Harder, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 191, no. 417, 20 January 1830, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, the handwritting leaves something to be desired and is almost illegible; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C461/A/006/04a11a12.Tif>, also may be seen at microfiche 6115785 fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S625] Thomas Thomsen-Margaretha Berendsen, marriage record, Kirkebøger: unpaginated, no. 34, 8 October 1824, Sønderborg, Sønderborg, Denmark, the entries are numbered from Advent to Advent according to the ecclesiastical year, microfilm no. 0042834, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S626] Thomas Thomsen, death and burial record, Kirkebøger: unpaginated, no. 34, May 1832, Sønderborg, Sønderborg, Denmark, microfilm no. 0042834, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S631] Wilhelm Asmus Thomsen, baptisms record, Kirkebøger book 6: unpaginated, no. 46, 1831, Sønderborg, Sønderborg, Denmark, microfilm no. 0042834, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S632] Carsten Thomsen, death and burial record, Kirkebøger book 6: unpaginated, no. 20, March 1834, Sønderborg, Sønderborg, Denmark, microfilm no. 0042834, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S648] Nicholaus Migge-Margaretha Thomsen, marriage record, Kirkerbøger book 7: unpaginated, no. 13, 25 April 1834, Sønderborg, Sønderborg, Denmark, microfilm no. 0042834, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S653] Heinrich Detlef Migge, baptisms record, Kirkerbøger book 7: unpaginated, no. 70, 1834, Sønderborg, Sønderborg, Denmark, microfilm no. 0042834, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S746] Anna Christina Torp, baptisms record, Kirkebøger, book 4: 163, no. 29, 8 April 1787, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S752] Christian Berendfen-Coecilia Hanfen, marriage record, Kirkebøger book 4: 846, no. 4, 17 December 1792, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, the page number is obscured, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S753] Cicelia Johansen, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, 1 September 1765, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S758] Anna Christina Raackmann, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 75, 12 December 1773, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S774] Peter Julius Zerrekisry, death & burial record, Kirkebøger: 356, no. 33, August 1832, Domsognet sogn, Århus, Halse herred, Århus amt., Denmark, on Arkivalieronline.dk the page (opslag) number is 274 with the number 356 in the upper left hand corner of the page, microfiche 6110470, no. 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S776] Ane Marie Jórgensdatter, death & burial record, Kirkebøger: 379, no. 5, 4 February 1832, Domsognet sogn, Århus, Halse herred, Århus amt., Denmark, microfiche 6110470, no. 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S777] Index to marriage records "Vielsesdata", Århus County, Denmark, 1760-1870, e-mail of compiler < and e-mail address>, on-line at <http://www.folketimidten.dk/vielse.cgi>.
- [S791] Baptismal record of Peter Christian Julius Seretischetske, 9 July 1795, Von Frue kirke (Our Lady's Church), Århus, Århus amt., Denmark, transcript of record received 6 September 2003 provided me by June M. Marcus of Greybull, Wyoming. The transcript was provided with translation made by the library in Århus, Denmark.
- [S795] Margaretha Berandsen, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: 234, no. 43, 13 August 1793, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S796] Brigitta Berendsen, baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: 212, no. 63, 8 November 1791, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S800] Thomas Thomsen, birth record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, 29 August 1797, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S802] Cæcilia Berendsen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: 297, no. 68, 6 October 1797, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S804] Christian Berendsen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: 332, no. 28, 8 April 1800, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S810] Cœcilia Hansen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 59, 21 November 1785, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S829] Index to the 1845 Danish census for Fredericia, Elbo, Veijle, compiled by Keld A Nielsen, <http://ddd.dda.dk/asp/husstand_uk.asp> (12 May 2003).
- [S855] Peder Harder household, 1840 Danish census of Fredericia kobstadt, Vejle amt., at no. 462 Danmarksstade, page 272, sixth family, on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/Data/folketælling/FT1840/01904/01763.tif>.
- [S856] Karen Eline & Petrea Marie Harder, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 87, nos. 177, 178, 18 February 1838, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C461/A/007/03e07e08.Tif>, may also be seen at microfiche no. 6115786, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S860] Jens Christian Harder, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 65, no. 268, 28 February 1825, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C461/A/006/02a07a08.Tif>, may also be found at microfiche no. 6115785, fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S881] Henrich Theoder Harder, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: page 38, no. 2, 14 January 1843, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C461/A/007/02b05b06.Tif>, also may be found at microfiche no. 6115786, fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S883] Lúsie Louise Emilie Harder, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: page 38, no. 9, parish register C461, serial number 019, 23 April 1854, Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/kirkeboeger/Kirkeboeger.aspx>, also may be seen at FHL microfiche no. 6115792, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S895] Carsten Thomsen--Anna Christinia Rackmann, marriage record, Kirkebøger vol. 4: unpaginated, no. 20, 20 October 1796, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, the number of the marriage is very lightly written, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S901] Christian Berendsen, death record, Kirkebøger book 4: unpaginated, no. 6, 2 October 1799, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, the record is out of order, placed after the 1799 entries, with no burial date, only a date of death, microfilm no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S952] Hr. Frederich Kisendahl household, 1787 Danish census of Torstrup, Øster Horne, Ribe amt., at Sechbek, page 189, on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/folketælling/FT1787/01711/00468.tif>.
- [S954] Hr. Freidrich Kisendahl household, 1801 Danish census of Torstrup, Øster Horne, Ribe amt., at Sechbek, page 250, on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/folketælling/FT1801/01750/01604.tif>.
- [S960] June M. Marcus, "Kissendahl," e-mail message from <e-mail address> (Graybill, Wyoming) to Chuck Wolfram, 30 June 2004, she cites as the source FHL micro- "film #0051661 page 72."
- [S1005] Margaretha Catharina Dethlefsen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger, book 4: 191, no. 5, 25 December 1789, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, micro-film no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1007] Christian Krabbe, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger, book 4: 187, no. 43, 15 August 1789, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, micro-film no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1024] Anna Maria Berendfen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger book 4: 261, no. 29, 24 May 1795, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, micro-film no. 0042832, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1086] Wilhelm Ludwig Raackmann & Cœcilia Hansen Berendfen, marriage record, Kirkebøger, book 5: 864, no. 3, 17 December 1801, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042833, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1087] Cœcilia Raackmann, death & burial record, Kirkebøger, book 5: 567-568, no. 50, 15 August 1808, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042833, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1092] Anna Margaretha Raackmann, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger, book 5: 14, no. 59, 28 September 1802, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042833, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1126] Niels Christenfen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger, book 5: 183, no. 41, 30 May 1811, Sønderborg, Sønderborg amt., Denmark, microfilm 0042833, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1160] Richard W Davis, Opliger family history, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 7 August 2005, located on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1162] Richard W Davis, Anthoni/Anthony/Anthenen family history, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 7 August 2005, located on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1165] Richard W Davis, Frederick family history, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 12 August 2005, located on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1194] Peder Jacobfen Hansen, birth & baptism record, Kiirkebøger: 21, 18 July 1799, Bogense, Skovby, Odense, Denmark, records arranged by date; on-line at <http://arkivaleronline.dk/data/kirkeboeger/0170/A/003/…>, can also be found at microfilm 50161, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.