- [S9] A. J. Fretz, A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Christian and Hans Meyer and Other Pioneers (Harleysville, Pennsylvania: News Printing House, 1896), this book was found on the Internet at <<http://www.genalogicallibrary.com>>. It is a faithful word by word transcription, copied full text to off-line file. Hereinafter cited as The Descendants of Christian and Hans Meyer.
- [S16] Letters of administration of the estate of Catherine Schultz of East Vincent Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, granted by the Register of Wills of the County of Chester, 20 May 1905. File no. 30390 (Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania).
- [S56] Rootsweb World Connect Project, The Godshalk History, online (http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi), Michael James Godshalk, webmaster <e-mail address> (2217 Summit View Dr. Valrico, Florida 33594-5235).
- [S58] Halterman Hollow, online <http://www.scioto.org./Halterman/>, data downloaded 2000. A collection of Haldeman family trees, submitted by various researchers. The website no longer exists (2009).
- [S102] Persons Naturalized in the Province of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Archives, Vol. II CD-ROM, FTM CD#193: County and Family Histories: Pennsylvania, 1740-1900 (Novato, California: Brøderbund Software, Inc., 1998, disc 2). Hereinafter cited as Pennsylvania Archives.
- [S109] Brøderbund Software Inc., Selected U.S./International Marriage Records, 1340-1980., CD-ROM (n.p.: Yates Publishing, 1997), Family Archives CD #403. Hereinafter cited as Selected Marriage Records.
- [S114] Jane Evans Best, "Swiss Reiff and Hiestand Families", Mennonite Family History vol. XI, No. 1 (January 1992).
- [S115] E. Elayne Alexander, "The Conspiracy on Shelly's Island", Mennonite Family History vol. IV, no. 2 (April 1985).
- [S123] Thera Database, online <http://wc.rootsweb.com/~schwenk>, electronic searchable genealogical database titled 'Schwek, Stout, Naegle, Goodhart & Allied Families of Pennsylvania'. T. S. Hammond, author and webmaster of database, has e-mail address at <<e-mail address>> and web-site at <<http://www.angelfire.com/on2/Schwenk/>> for genealogical reports and the database is at the World-Conect Project at <<http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi>> At database, she has posted all the information she has, but notes that not all of it has been proved. Warning to all interested.
- [S180] Catharine Schultz, death registration. Vol. 2, Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
- [S335] Inventory of the personal estate of Catherine Schultz of East Vincent Township, Pa., filed 16 June 1905 (Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania).
- [S351] 1810 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Skippack & Perkimen), National Archives micropublication M252, roll 252, viewed at Images Online Project at Ancestry.com. <<http://www.ancestry.com>>
- [S359] Samuel Kriebel Brecht, editor, The Genealogical Record of the Schwenkfelder Families: Seekers of Religious Liberty who fled from Salesia to Saxony and thence to Pennsylvania in the years 1731 to 1737. (Pennsburg, Pennsylvania: Rand McNally & Company, 1923). Also on-line at HeritageQuest Online <<http://www.heritagequestonline.com>>.
- [S375] Catherine Schultz household, 1870 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, East Vincent Township, Pughtown Post Office, page 41, dwelling 359, family 354; National Archives micropublication M593, roll 1323, viewed Images On-line Census Project at Ancestry.com. <<http://www.ancestry.com>>
- [S391] Letter from Ken Bainbridge (St. Vincent Cemetery Corporation, East Vincent, Pennsylvania) to Charles W. Wolfram, 1 May 2002; held by Charles W. Wolfram (Northfield, New Jersey). sent in reply to a letter of inquiry dated 17 April 2002 about the burial records of St. Vincent cemetery. Letter received 3 May. Mr. Bainbridge is the president of the cemetery corporation.
- [S429] Catharine Schultz household, 1900 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, East Vincent Township, enumeration district no. 67, supervisor's district no. 2, sheet 12B, dwelling 285, family 285; National Archives micro-publication T623, roll 1392, viewed at Images On-line Census Project of Ancestry.com <<http://www.ancestry.com>> the dwelling and family numbers were crossed out and written over.
- [S475] Barbara L. Weir and Laurie A. Rofini, "German Qualifications for Naturalization in Pennsylvania, 1728", Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine vol. XXXVII (No. 4, 1992). Taken from Family Tree Maker's Family Archives CD 213, "Genealogical Records: The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, Volumes 1-39" disc 2, ©1998 Brøderbund Software Inc., which provides exact photographic reproductions of every page of the journal on a CD disk.
- [S532] Inventory of the personal estate of Jesse Schultz of East Vincent Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, filed 17 April 1863 (Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania).
- [S569] Thomas Adolp Julius Thomsen, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 23, rt. 17, 11 April 1869, Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C460/A/014/01d11d12.Tif>, may also be seen at microfiche no. 6115810, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S570] Heinriik Peter Vilhelm Thomsen, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 26, no. 19, 11 April 1870, Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, the page number is shown as 16, but the number is really 26, coming between pages 24 and 28; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C460/A/014/01e05e06.Tif>, microfiche no. 6012302, fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S576] Carsten Thomsen, death & burial record, Kirkebøger: 26, rt. 23, 26 May 1877, Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C460/A/020/01e07e08.Tif>, can also be viewed at microfiche no. 6115816, fiche 1 or 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S615] Theodor Emil Thomsen, death & burial record, Kirkebøger: 69, rt. 8, 17 February 1867, Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/kirkebøger/C460/A/019/03b09b10.Tif>, also may be viewed at microfiche no. 6115815, fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S624] Carsten Thomsen, baptism record, Kirkebøger: unpaginated, no. 31, 13 March 1827, Sønderborg, Sønderborg, Denmark, the records are numbered according to the ecclesiastical year with the numbers from Advent to Advent, microfilm no. 0042834, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S749] Edwin L. Weaver, Holdeman descendants : a compilation of the genealogical and biographical record of the descendants of Christian Holdeman, 1788-1846 (Nappanee, Indiana: E.V. Publishing House, 1937); viewed on-line at HeritageQuest.com ( http://flh.genealogy.com/gc/genealogy/image).

- [S824] Volume 1, List of Communicant Members, (1853-1886), St. Vincent Reformed Church, East Vincent township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. The dates attached to these records, many of which are in limited space, are in places hard to read. Microfilm no. 1598063, item 5, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S843] Hupert and Syche Cassel gravestone, Lower Skippack Mennonite Meeting House Cemetery, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania; photographed by Michel Metford-Platt <e-mail address>, the stone is a modern replacement placed by descendants of the original stone, now lost. The author received the photograph from Metford-Platt on 25 March 2005.

- [S862] Jesse Schultz elected as an elder, Easter Monday, April 5th, 1858, Convocation minutes, St. Vincent Reformed Church minutes 1852-1894, East Vincent Township, Pa.; microfilm no. 1598063, item 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S863] Jesse Shultze re-election as an elder, April 16, 1861, Convocation minutes, St. Vincent Reformed Church minutes 1854-1894, East Vincent Township, Pennsylvania; microfilm no. 1598063, item 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S865] Jesse Shultze appointment of a fund-raising committee, Easter Monday, April 9th, 1860, Convocation minutes, St. Vincent Reformed Church minutes 1854-1894, East Vincent Township, Pa.; microfilm no. 1598063, item 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S868] List of Contributors to building Sheds, St. Vincent Reformed Church, East Vincent township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm no. 1598063, item 9, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1050] Richard W Davis, Haldeman/Holdiman family history, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 6 January 2005, located on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1063] Richard W Davis, Stauffer/Stouffer Part 1 family history, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 15 January 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1106] 1840 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towamencin Creek), National Archives micropub-lication M704, roll 477, accessed from HeritageQuest Online.com. <<http://heritagequestonline.com/>>
- [S1121] 1830 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towemencin Township), National Archives micropublication M19, roll 154, accessed on-line from HeritageQuest Online.com census project. <<http://www.heritagequest.com>>
- [S1215] John Freed will (7 May 1744, probated 5 February 1744/45), Philadelphia County Will Book G, no. 132. City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 0021723, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1216] Richard W Davis, Kolb/Colb/Kulp family history, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 31 December 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1217] James Y Heckler, History of Lower Salford Township, in sketches, commencing with a history of Harleysville (Harleysville, Pa.: Weekly News Office, 1888) (on-line at <<http://www.heritagequestonline.com>>).
- [S1219] 1790 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Reminder of the County), National Archives micro-publication M637, roll 9, on-line at HeritageQuest online.com <<http://heritagequest.com/>> and at Ancestry.com <<http://ancestry.com/>> in the database "1790 United States Fedral Census."

- [S1220] 1800 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Perkiomen), National Archives micropublication M32, roll 41, on-line at HeritageQuest online.com. <<http://heritagequestonline.com/>>
- [S1411] 1820 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towamencin Township), page 202, National Archives micro-publication M33, roll 100, on-line at HeritageQuest.com.
- [S1437] "Marriages by Rev George Wack," Historical Notes relating to the Pennsylvania Reformed Church vol. I, no. 10 (10 February 1900): 160. The journal was edited by Henry S. Dotterer and published by the Perkiomen Publishing Co. of Philadelphia. The article was communicated to the journal by W. H. Reed, M.D. of Norristown, Pennsylvania. The journal was later microfilmed at the Eastern Pennsylvanian Mennonite Society in Landsdale, Pa. and put online by Ancestry.com.

- [S1539] Richard W Davis, Schowalter family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 31 December 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1546] Henry Funck will (1759, probated 25 April 1760), Philadelphia County Will Book L, will no. 274. City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 21725, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1567] A free monthly electronic newsletter for the VAN BIBBER, VANBIBER,VAN BEBBER, VANBEBER, VANBABER, VANBEVER and VANBEVERS families, vol. 6, no. 1, November 2002, . <http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~blogan/…>.
- [S1569] Daniel Kolb Cassel, A genealogical history of the Cassel family in America: being the descendants of Julius Kassel or Yelles Cassel of Kriesheim, Baden, Germany: containing biographical sketches of prominent descendants, with illustrations (Norristown, Pennsylvania: Morgan R. Wills, 1896) (online at HeritageQuest Online <<http://www.heritagequestonline.com>>).
- [S1585] Inventory of the personal estate of Catharine Schultz of East Vincent Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, filed unknown date (Chester County Archives and Records, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 080, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania), the document is undated.

- [S1717] Record Book of Reverend J Naille: January 15, 1841 to January 15, 1846, Liverpool, Perry County, PA. charge Towamencin Church, Hilltown Church, Wentzes Church, St Peter's (or North Wales) Church, Records from February 21, 1846 to 1854. Records filmed by the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, online at Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985, reel 1101.

- [S1718] Members and Contributors of Wentzes Church, 1847-1868 (online at Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com) Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985, reel 1101, records filmed by the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania.
- [S1934] Nicholas Hulteman , Philadelphia County probate file no. 54, 1762 (Administration Book G), City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Digital images online Ancestry.com, database "Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993," accessed 4 March 2016.

- [S1987] Website Find a Grave (findagrave.com).