- [S1] Joel D. Alderfer, "1536 Froschauer Bible With Schnebelli-Bachmann Family Records", Mennonite Family History XI, No. 1 (January 1992).
- [S54] (Rev.) Reuben Kriebel, Genealogical Record of the Descendants of the Schwenkfelders, who arrived in Pennsylvania in 1733, 1734, 1736, 1737 from the German of the Rev. Balthasar Heebner, and from other sources (Manayunk, Pennsylvania: Josephes Yerkel, 1879), from images of the book found on-line at <<http://www.HeritigeQuestOnline.com>>, saved off-line as pdf files.
- [S72] A. J. Fretz, A Brief History of John Valentine Kratz, and a Complete Genealogical Register with biograhies of his descendants from the earliest available records to the present time. With Portraits and other Illustrations. (Elkhart, Indiana: Mennonite Publishing Co., 1892). Hereinafter cited as Kratz Family History.
- [S116] David Hendricks Bergey, The Genealogy of the Bergey Family: A Record of the Descendants of John Ulrich Bergey and His Wife Mary (New York, New York: Braunworth & Co., 1925), this book was found on the Internet at <<http://www.genalogicallibrary.com>>. It is a faithful word by word transcription, copied full text to off-line file.

- [S117] Michael James Godshalk, The Godshalk History (2217 Summit View Drive, Valrico, Florida 33594-5235: privately published, 1997), also published on-line at <http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/g/o/d/…> hard copies available at certain libraries.
- [S224] George Kline household, 1850 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Towmencin Township, page 195, dwelling 55, family 65; National Archives micro-publication M432, roll 799, viewed online at. <http://www.genealogylibrary.com

- [S309] Jacob Clemmans household, 1850 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Worcester Township, page 269, dwelling 44, family 44; National Archives micro-publication M432, viewed on-line at HeritageQuest Online. <<http://www.heritagequestonline.com/>>

- [S465] Otilia Metteline Marie Zerakitzky, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 87, rt. 5, 14 May 1872, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S476] Andreas Jensen, birth & baptism record, Kikebøger: 15-16, rt. 7, 1868, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S494] Jörgen Zerakistzky, death & burial record, Kirkebøger 1892-1901: 171, number 7, 1900, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, the number 218 appears printed in the top left hand corner of the page, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

- [S549] Richard Davis, "Re: Christian Stauffer died 1735", <e-mail address>, listserve message to Stauffer Family Genealogy Forum, GenForum.com <http://genforum.genealogy.com/stauffer/messages/225.html>, 30 January 2000. Printout dated 3 February 2000. Hereinafter cited as Christian Stauffer d. 1735.
- [S554] Jörgen Zerachitschy-Johanne Lauridsen, marriage record, Kirkebøger: 59, rt. 9, 13 November 1853, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfiche 6012302, fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S555] Eleonore Christine Zerachitsky, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 24, no. 9, 1855, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfiche no. 6012302, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S564] Julie Zerachitsky, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 27, no. 11, 13 December 1856, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfiche no. 6012302, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S608] 1769 tax list (real & personal property), Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, arranged alphabetically, this is a compendium of tax lists of what later became Montgomery County. In 1769 they were part of Philadelphia County. At a few places the microfiche is unfocused and shadows on the film make it difficult to read; the book remained bound when filmed, FHL microfiche 6049503, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S612] Jörgen Serarkitsihz, male birth record, Kirkebøger 1822-1828: 8, rt. 33, 21 July 1822, Domsognet sogn, Århus, Hasle herred, Århus amt., Denmark, the number 7 is written in upper left hand side of the page, mico-fiche no. 6110468, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

- [S744] Daniel Kolb Cassel, A genealogical history of the Kolb, Kulp or Culp family and its branches in America, with biographical sketches of their descendants from the earliest available records from 1707 to the present time, including Dielman Kolb in Germany (Norristown, Pennsylvania: Morgan R. Willis, 1895), used scanned images of this book on-line at HeritageQuest.com.
- [S844] Yellis Cassell gravestone, Lower Skippack Mennonite Meeting House Cemetery, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania; photographed by Michel Metford-Platt <e-mail address>, the stone is a modern replacement placed by descendants of the original stone, now lost. The author received the photograph from Metford-Platt on 25 March 2005.
- [S896] William Detwiller, researcher, (Map of) Bebber's Township, now known as Skippback Township, Montgomery County, PA, showing the original settlers, 1702 to 1724, Computer graphics were by Harry Adaurs and lettering by Nailey Parenti, the map created in September 1992. Under the title of the map a notation states "Wm. Penn to Matthias Van Bebber February 2, 1702 6166 Acres." The late Cathy Berger <<e-mail address>> of 525 Egolf Road, Bedford, Pennsylvania 15522 kindly sent me by U.S. mail 31 December 2003 (arrived 2 January 2004) a xeroxed photocopy of this map, having copied it from an item in an unknown (to me) library.
- [S939] Christian Stouffer will (1782), Philadelphia Will Book S: no. 58, City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 21728, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S946] Jacob Showalter will (28 April 1773), Philadelphia County Will Book P, no. 279, City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 0021727, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S951] Abraham Clemens will (1776), Philadelphia Will Book Q, no. 249, City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 0021727, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1049] "Landholders of Philadelphia County, 1734," Publications of The Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania 1 (December 1898): accessed from Family Tree Maker's Family Archives CD 213, Genealogical Records: The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, Volumes 1-39, disc 1, ©1998 Brøderbund Software Inc.
- [S1239] Richard W Davis, Bechtel/Bächtold family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 2 January 2006, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1241] Richard W Davis, Shoemaker/Schumacher family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 31 December 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1242] Richard W Davis, Schölli/Shelley family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 31 December 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1249] Richard W Davis, Cassel/Kassel family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 1 January 2006, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1293] Martin Kolb will (12 June 1749, probated 17 November 1761), Philadelphia County Will Book M, will number 120. City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 0021725, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

- [S1330] Richard W Davis, Schilt family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 31 December 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1356] Richard W Davis, Meyer family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 31 December 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1359] Richard W Davis, Pfister family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 30 December 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1374] Richard W Davis, Clemens family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 1 January 2006, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1412] 1810 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towamencin Township), page 186, National Archives micro-publication M252, roll 52, on-line at HeritageQuest.com.
- [S1463] Allen and Susan Potts, "Schumacher Family," VanBibber Pioneers Electronic Newsletter vol. 1, no. 4 (February 1997): <http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~blogan/…>.
- [S1509] Richard W Davis, Funk family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 28 December 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1547] Richard W Davis, 1717 Emigrants ship list, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 29 December 2005, online at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1561] Identity of Christiana, Wife of Jacob Isaacs Van Bebber, online <http://17thcenturyhollanders.pbworks.com/w/page/24681485/…>, data downloaded 8 May 2011. The webmasters of this page are Elizabeth A. Johnson and Cor Snabel with the webpage written in November 2006, revised March 2010. E-mail of the authors is iris.gates @ gmail.com. The webpage is part of a website titled Sketches of Seventeenth-Century Hollanders: Seventeenth-Century Persons Who Lived in Holland and North America: Genealogical and Historical Notes on Their Lives, Families and Activities . Hereinafter cited as Identity of Christiana Van Bebber.
- [S1562] Harold S Bender. "Jacob Isaacs van Bebber (ca. 1640-1705)" Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online, 1953. Online. Referenced on 9 May 2011. http://www.gameo.org/encyclopedia/contents/B4405.html
- [S1571] A free monthly electronic newsletter for the VAN BIBBER, VANBIBER,VAN BEBBER, VANBEBER, VANBABER, VANBEVER and VANBEVERS families, vol. 8, no. 4, (March 2006), . <http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~blogan/…>.
- [S1873] Richard W Davis, Bachman/Baughman family file, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 2 January 2006, transcript found online a MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S2034] 1786 state census, Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, held at Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Digital images online at Ancestry.com, database "Pennsylvania, Septennial Census, 1779-1863" (https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/).

- [S2035] Matthias Stover will (1824, probated 3 October 1826), Montgomery County Will Book 6, Register of Wills, Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Digital images online at Ancestry.com, database "Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993" (https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/).

- [S2038] Agnes Williamson Storer, Elenore C. Custer: Her family and connections (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Charles A Meyers & Co.), Digital images online at HeritageQuest Online.
- [S2039] Cornelius Claesen will (30 September 1708, probated 23 October 1708), Philadelphia Will Book C, no. 106. City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Digital images online atAncestry.com, database "Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993" (https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/).

- [S2041] Huppart Kassle will (11 May 1745, probated 7 Oct 1745), Philadelphia Will Book H, will no. 36. City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Digital images online at Ancestry.com, database "Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993" (https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/).

- [S2122] Tax and Exoneration List 1785, Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, microfilm roll 330, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, State Museum Building, 300 North Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Digital images online at Ancestry.com, "Pennsylvania, U.S., Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801."

- [S2123] Tax and Exoneration List 1786, Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, microfilm roll 330, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, State Museum Building, 300 North Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Digital images online at Ancestry.com, "Pennsylvania, U.S., Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801."

- [S2124] Tax and Exoneration List 1787, Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, microfilm roll 330, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, State Museum Building, 300 North Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Digital images online at Ancestry.com, "Pennsylvania, U.S., Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801."

- [S2125] Tax and Exoneration List 1788, Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, microfilm roll 330, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, State Museum Building, 300 North Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Digital images online at Ancestry.com, "Pennsylvania, U.S., Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801."

- [S2203] Christian Stauffer will (26 Feb 1734/35, probated 12 Jul 1735), Philadelphia Will Book E, no. 410. City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Online at dataset "Pennsylvania, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993," Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestryheritagequest.com/imageviewer/…).