Melvina Raysor
F, b. 18 December 1880, d. 13 May 1909
Father | William Hudson Raysor |
Mother | Rachel Perch |
Melvina Raysor was born on 18 December 1880 in Bridge Street, Spring City, Chester County, Pennsylvania.1,2,3,4,5 She was baptized on 13 May 1881 in East Vincent Reformed Church, East Vincent Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania.2 She lived before 1902 at 541 Bridge Street, Spring City, Chester County, Pennsylvania. She and William S. Halteman obtained a marriage license on 24 June 1902 in Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.6 Melvina Raysor married William S. Halteman, son of Moses S. Halteman and Almira Schultz, on 28 June 1902 at the parsonage of St. Vincent Reformed Church which was very probably 270 Chestnut Street,7 Spring City, Chester County, Pennsylvania. The Rev. Howard Long conducted the ceremony, which was witnessed by John P. Spring of Norristown, as best man, and Anna E. Gresh, also of Norristown, as bridesmaid.8,9 As of 28 June 1902, her married name was Halteman.8,9 A coal black stray cat, named Topsy, showed up at their home at 1213 Willow Street, Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, on the night of Tuesday, 9 September 1902--- and was adopted. Melvina Raysor was ill with possibly consumption. She was sick for ten months and the last eight she was bedridden.1,10 She died at 6:35 pm on 13 May 1909 at 21 Beech street, Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, at age 28 years, 4 months and 25 days.11,1
She was buried at 2 pm on 18 May 1909 in Riverside Cemetery, Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.1,11
Melvina Raysor appeared on the census enumerated on 2 June 1900 at 239 Bridge Street, Spring City Borough, Chester County, Pennsylvania, living with William Hudson Raysor and Rachel Perch as a daughter. She was recorded as a 19-year old single white female born in December 1800 in Pennsylvania to parents both of whom were born in Pennsylvania. She could speak English, read and write12.

Melvina Raysor appeared on the census enumerated on 2 June 1900 at 239 Bridge Street, Spring City Borough, Chester County, Pennsylvania, living with William Hudson Raysor and Rachel Perch as a daughter. She was recorded as a 19-year old single white female born in December 1800 in Pennsylvania to parents both of whom were born in Pennsylvania. She could speak English, read and write12.

Family | William S. Halteman b. 19 Jun 1880, d. 5 Jul 1959 |
Children |
- [S42] "Diary I of William S. Halteman,."
- [S1367] Church Record Book, 1881-1938: Baptism of Infants, unpaginated, second entry, East Vincent Reformed Church. FHL microfilm 1905897, item no. 7.
- [S1734] Melvina R Halteman, Pennsylvania state death certificate 45048, birthplace given as Penna.
- [S341] Warren Leroy Halteman, Pennsylvania death certificate 106437, county & state only.
- [S60] 1900 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Spring City Borough, 4th Ward, enumeration district no. 71, supervisor's district no. 2, sheet 3B, dwelling 61, family 62, line 57, birth date given as Dec 1880, aged 19 years, birthplace Pennsylvania.
- [S1621] Montgomery County Marriages volume no. 29, 1902-1903: no. 12.222, page 167.
- [S212] This is the address of Rev. Howard Long according to the 1900 census. I was informed, by a letter written by an officer of St. Vincent Church, that there was no official parsonage in 1902 and the term parsonage would refer to any residence where the pastor would be living.
- [S42] "Diary I of William S. Halteman,", 'Mr. William S. Halteman got married to Miss Melvina Raysor on June 28, 1902 by Rev. Howard Long at his Parsonage. Miss Annie E. Gresh was bridesmaid and Mr. John P. Spring was best man. Both of Norristown.'
- [S43] "Diary II of William S. Halteman,", Sat. June 28, 'Clear. Married at St. Vincent Ref. Parsonage by Rev. Long to Miss Mellie Raysor.'
- [S1734] Melvina R Halteman, Pennsylvania state death certificate 45048, the cause of death was given as "consumption" with a duration of six months.
- [S1734] Melvina R Halteman, Pennsylvania state death certificate 45048.
- [S60] 1900 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Spring City Borough, 4th Ward, enumeration district no. 71, supervisor's district no. 2, sheet 3B, dwelling 61, family 62, line 57.
Henriette Catherine Harder
F, b. 5 July 1832, d. 10 September 1877
Father | Peter Christian Harder1 b. 18 Jul 1799, d. 25 Apr 1863 |
Mother | Maren Henriksen b. c 1801, d. 14 May 1881 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Henriette Catherine Harder was born on 5 July 1832 in Skt. Michaelis parish, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt., Denmark.2,3,4 She was baptized in infancy on 11 July 1832 at age 6 days in Skt. Michaelis parish, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt., Denmark.1,4 On 5 October 1872 her name was also recorded as Heneritte Katherine Harder.5 She was vaccinated against the smallpox on 11 April 1833 at age 9 months and 6 days.6 She was confirmed on 11 April 1847 in Skt. Michaelis Church, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt., Denmark, at age 14 years, 9 months and 6 days.7,4 She married Carsten Thomsen, son of Thomas Thomsen and Margaretha Berendsen, on 10 November 1854 in St. Michael's Church, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt., Denmark. The ceremony was conducted by the rector.8 Her married name was Thomsen. Henriette Catherine Harder and Carsten lived between 1863 and 1876 in the Fred section of Trinitias parish, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt., Denmark.9,10,11 Henriette Catherine Harder died on 10 September 1877 in Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt., Denmark, at age 45 years, 2 months and 5 days.12 The cause of Henriette's death was tuberculosis.13 She was buried on 15 September 1877 in Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt., Denmark.14
Family | Carsten Thomsen b. 13 Mar 1827, d. 26 May 1877 |
Children |
- [S574] Kirkebøger: 69, no. 34, birth & baptism (5 July 1832), Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark. on-line.
- [S103] Carl W. Thomsen, Ventnor, N.J. death certificate 77, place, country, only.
- [S574] Kirkebøger: 69, no. 34, birth & baptism (5 July 1832), Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, "1832. den 5d Julii". on-line.
- [S573] Kirkebøger: 95, rt. 20, marriage (10 November 1854), Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, date and place recorded. on-line.
- [S560] Kirkebøger: 134, rt. 7, confirmation (5 October 1873), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark. on-line.
- [S577] Kirkebøger: 189, no. 7, confirmation (11 April 1847), Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, the place is very difficult to read. on-line.
- [S577] Kirkebøger: 189, no. 7, confirmation (11 April 1847), Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark. on-line.
- [S573] Kirkebøger: 95, rt. 20, marriage (10 November 1854), Michaelis sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark. on-line.
- [S538] Kirkebøger: 75, no. 47, birth & baptism record (1863), Trinitatis, Fredericia, Vejlo, Denmark, Snedhmesser Carsten Thomsen og hustru Henriette Catherine Harder, 32 Aar, i Frdericia--in 1863, FHL microfiche no. 6115805, fiche 3.
- [S551] Kirkebøger: 45, no. 11, confirmation (23 April 1876), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, in 1876. on-line.
- [S560] Kirkebøger: 134, rt. 7, confirmation (5 October 1873), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, in October 1873. on-line.
- [S575] Kirkebøger: 110, no. 22, death & burial (10 September 1877), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, "10 Septb. 1877". on-line.
- [S575] Kirkebøger: 110, no. 22, death & burial (10 September 1877), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, "tæring". on-line.
- [S575] Kirkebøger: 110, no. 22, death & burial (10 September 1877), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, "15 Septb. 1877". on-line.
- [S572] Kirkebøger: 1, no. 7, birth & baptism (22 March 1855), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, "Carsten Thomsen, snedkermester, og hustru Henriette Catherine Harder, 23 Aars i Fredericia". on-line.
- [S571] Kirkebøger: 12, no. 30, birth & baptism (9 May 1856), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, "Carsten Thomsen, snedkermester, og hoi konà Henriette Catherine Harder, 24 Aars i Fredericia". on-line.
- [S536] Kirkebøger: 24, rt. 50, male birth record (1857), Trinitatis, Fredericia, Vejlo, Denmark, FHL microfiche no. 6115805, fiche 1.
- [S539] Kirkebøger: 114, rt. 24, birth & baptism record (1859), Trinitatis, Fredericia, Vejlo, Denmark, FHL microfiche no. 6115805, fiche 4.
- [S537] Kirkebøger: 50, rt. 48, male birth record (1860), Trinitatis, Fredericia, Vejlo, Denmark, FHL microfiche no. 6115805, fiche 2.
- [S535] Kirkebøger: 57, rt. 47, birth & baptism record (14 December 1861), Trinitatis, Fredericia, Vejlo, Denmark, FHL microfiche no. 6115805, fiche 2.
- [S538] Kirkebøger: 75, no. 47, birth & baptism record (1863), Trinitatis, Fredericia, Vejlo, Denmark, Snedkermesser Carsten Thomsen og hustru Henriette Catherine Harder, 32 Aar, i Frdericia, FHL microfiche no. 6115805, fiche 3.
- [S582] Kirkebøger: 51, rt. 5, confirmation (14 April 1878), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, Afdéde Snidkermester Carsten Thomsen og afl. hustru Henriette Catherine f. Harder i Fred. on-line.
- [S609] Kirkebøger: 5, no. 47, birth & baptism (20 December 1865), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, Snedkermester Carsten Thomsen og hustrú Henriette Catherine Harder, 34 Aars, i Fredericia. on-line.
- [S613] Kirkerbøger: 49, no. 2, birth (13 January 1872), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, "Snedkermesser Carsten Thomsen og hustru Henriette Cathrine Harder, 40 Aar, i Fredericia". on-line.
- [S616] Kirkebøger: 71, no. 47, birth (12 August 1874), Trinitias sogn, Fredericia, Elbo herrad, Vejlo amt, Denmark, "Snedekmesser Carsten Thomsen og Hustru Henriette Kathrine Harder, 42½ Aar, i Fredericia". on-line.