- [S295] Old Parochial Register of baptisms, Parish of Banchory Ternan, County of Kincardine, 1682-1803 (New Register House, Edinburgh, Scotland). British microfilm no. 0993308, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S331] Old Parochial Register of banns and proclamations of marriage, Parish of Banchory Ternan, County Kincardineshire, 1670-1819 (records retained at New Register House, Edinburgh, Scotland) , FHL micro-film no. 0993308.
- [S466] Antonie Auguste Zerakitzky, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 79-80, rt. 6, 25 August 1869, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S467] Julius Zerakitzky, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 3-4, rt. 2, 1864, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S468] Johanne Zerakitzky, death & burial record, Kirkebøger: 231-232, rt. 1, 1866, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S469] Christian Julius Zerakitsky, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 139-140, rt. 1, 8 April 1877, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S470] Ane Marie Zerakitzky, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 169-170, rt. 7, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S471] Index to the 1845 Census for Skjern, Bølling, Ringkjobing, Denmark, compiled by Dansk Demografisk Database, <http://ddd.sa.dk/kiplink_en.htm> (1996-2002).
- [S473] Julie Zerakitzky, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 163-164, rt. 7, 16 April 1871, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S477] Eleonore Christine Zerakitzky, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 161-162, rt. 6, 4 April 1869, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S478] Ane Marie Zerakitzky, death & burial record, Kirkebøger: 250-251, rt. 4, 1880, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123304 fiche 4, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S479] Zerakitzky-Nielsson, marriage record, Kirkebøger: 204-205, rt. 5, 6 May 1890, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123304 fiche 4, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S481] Johanne Frederikke Zerakitsky, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 156-157, rt. 9, 4 April 1880, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123304 fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S483] Eleanore Laurisden fðde Kissendal, death & burial record, Kirkebøger: 233-234, rt. 4, 1867, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S487] Antonii Aùgûsta Zerakitzky, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 162-163, rt. 2, 20 April 1884, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123304 fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S488] Ottilia Metteline Marie Zerakitzky, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 186-187, rt. 5, 11 April 1886, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123304 fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S491] Johannes Nielsen, male birth record, Kirkebøger: 7, line 24, 1892, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S493] Eleanore Johanne Nielsson, birth and baptism record, Kirkebøger: 52, rt. 16, 1890, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S495] Old Parochial Register of baptisms, Arbuthnot, County Kincardineshire, 1619-1819 (originals deposited at New Register House, Edinburgh, Scotland) citation entries without page numbers were unpaginated pages, FHL microfilm 0993387, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S499] Johannes Nielsen, male birth record, Kirkebøger: 32, no. 13, 1898, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S500] Johanne Nielsen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 72, no. 37, 1893, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S502] Karl Jörgen Nielsen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 6, rt. 22, 1891, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S508] Arnold Nielsen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 5, no. 6, 1902, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S509] Axel Nielsen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 12, no. 12, 1903, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S513] Carl Jörgen Nielsen, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 133, no. 7, 1 October 1905, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S514] Eleanora Johanne Nielsen, female confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 159, no. 4, 9 October 1904, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S515] Johanne Nielsen, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 172, no. 5, 26 January 1908, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfilm 0423710, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S522] Johanne Christiandatter, confirmation record, Kirkebøger: 129, rt. 8, April 1844, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123301 fiche 4, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S525] Johanne Metheline Marie Lauridsen, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 70, rt. 5, 1842, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, micho-fiche no. 6123301 fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S543] Christian Lauridefen-Eleonore Kisfendahl, marriage record, Kirkebøger 1815-1825: 35, no. 10, 22 November 1823, Horne, Øster Horne, Ribe, Denmark, microfiche no. 616520, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S544] Eleonore Kisfendahl, confirmation record, Kirkerbøger 1815-1825: 27, 1817-no. 2, 13 April 1817, Horne, Horne, Ribe, Denmark, the number 27 is at the upper left hand corner of the page; Arkvalieronline gives this page as opslag 26, microfiche no. 616520, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S545] Christian Lauridsen and Eleonore Kisfendahl, moving in record, Kirkebøger: 26, no. 2, 1829, Faster sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfiche no. 6115737, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S547] Laurids Lauridfen, male birth record, Kirkebøger: 2, no. 7, 1835, Faster, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfiche no. 6115738, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S553] Ane Eleonore Zerachitsky, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 24, 4 July 1854, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, the number 23 is in the upper left hand corner of the page as page number, but there is one uncounted page, the number the state gives will be 24. The left side of the page, including the birth information, is obviated on the microfilm; the year is determined from the entries on the pages preceding and following this one. Later viewed the image at Arkivalieronline.com, which is from a duplicate book, and there the image is perfectly clear, microfiche 6012302, fiche 1, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S561] Ane Marie Zerakitzky, birth & baptism record, Kirkebøger: 34, no. 3, 1861, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, microfiche no. 6012302, fiche 2, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S563] Christian Lauridsen, death and burial record, Kirkebøger 1853-1862: 71, no. 6, 1859, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, the number 71 is written in the upper left hand corner of the page, it appears as opslag 64 on arkivalonline.dk, microfiche no. 6012302, fiche 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S567] 1845 Århus, Denmark census (n.p.: n.pub., 21 February 2003). Hereinafter cited as 1845 Århus census.
- [S820] June Mills Marcus, "Joanne Lauridsen," e-mail message from <e-mail address> (Greybill, Wyoming) to Chuck Wolfram, 10 October 2003, the author, a descendant of the subject, found the burial record of Joanne Lauridsen on FHL microfilm 0423711, book 7 death records page 232, from the Church books of Skjern, and by e-mail informed me of the information. Hereinafter cited as "Joanne Lauridsen."
- [S825] Jörgen Zerakitsky household, 1860 Danish census of Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing amt., at page 82, Ensig, family no. 4, on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/Data/folketælling/FT1860/00028/00526.tif>.
- [S832] Eleanore Lauridsen household, 1860 Danish census of Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing amt., at Lunedsmark gfolediftrift, page 93, family 9, 13th farm, on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/Data/folketælling/FT1860/00028/00537.tif>.
- [S947] Laurids Christenfen household, 1801 Danish census of Varde longsong, Ribe, Denmark, at Meils 10, page 199, the census was as of February 1st, and was completed on February 26th, on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/data/folketælling/FT1801/01750/01548.tif>.
- [S1064] Richard W Davis, Reiff family history, a portable document format (pdf) file downloaded 27 January 2005, on-line at MennoSearch.com, <<http://www.mennosearch.com>>.
- [S1290] Jacob Hendricks Godshalk will (26 December 1760, probated 3 June 1763), Philadelphia County Will Book M, will number 239. City Archives, 401 City Hall Annex, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 0021725, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S1313] Anna Schultz will (22 January 1795, probated 29 March 1796), Montgomery County Will Book 1, Register of Wills, Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 0021547, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

- [S1314] George Schultz will (30 July 1784, probated 8 May 1797), Montgomery County Will Book vol. 1, Register of Wills, Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Microfilm 0021547, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

- [S1532] Johanna Lauridsen, death and burial record, Kirkebøger 1910-1917: 215, no. 11, 4 June 1910, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, the number 232 is printed in the upper left hand corner of the page; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/kirkeboeger/Kirkeboger.asp>.

- [S1533] Johanna Lauridsen, birth and baptism record, Kirkebøger 1815-1832: 18, 1830-2, 14 March 1830, Faster sogn, Bølling herred, Ringkøbing amt., Denmark; on-line at <http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/kirkeboeger/Kirkeboger.asp>.

- [S1816] Peter Gerhard will (28 March 1791, probated 10 October 1791), Montgomery County Will Book 1, will no. 212. Register of Wills, Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Digital images online "Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993," Ancestry.com, accessed 7 October 2015.

- [S1817] An Assessment of Upper Hanover Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, series no. 4.61, microfilm roll 333, Records of the Office of Compteller General, RG 4, Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Digital images on-line at "Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801," Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com), accessed 7 October 2015.

- [S1999] Anderson Family Tree, online (https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/48457517/), data downloaded 24 January 2019. Hereinafter cited as Anderson Family Tree.