Jörgen Zerakitzky1,2
M, b. 21 July 1822, d. 17 September 1900
Father | Peter Christian Julius Zerakitsky3 b. 9 Jul 1795, d. 6 Aug 1832 |
Mother | Ane Marie Jörgensdatter3 b. bt Feb 1785 - Oct 1785, d. 31 Jan 1832 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Jörgen Zerakitzky was born on 21 July 1822 in Århus, Halse herred, Århus amt, Denmark.3,4,5 His name was recorded at birth as Jörgen Serachitschy.3 He was baptized in infancy on 25 August 1822 at age 1 month and 4 days Standing as his godparents were Maid Maren Andersdatter with the widow of Søren Marcusens, Ane Marie Petersdatter (daughter of Peter Zerakitzky), bricklayer Fritz Fischer, Jens Nólhen and carpenter Andres Hylke.3 His name was also recorded as Jörgen Zerachitsky.6,7 His name was also recorded as Jörgen Zerachitschy.8 He married Johanne Lauridsen, daughter of Christian Lauridsen and Eleanora Kissendahl, on 13 November 1853 in the parish church, Skjern, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark.9 Jörgen Zerakitzky at age 45 became the godfather of Andreas Jensen, son of Jens Jensen and Christine Jensen, on 12 July 1868 in the church, Skjern, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark.10 Jörgen Zerakitzky was a shoemaker. There are several records that refer to him simply as "Skomager Zerakitsky og Engsig" although most include his given name.11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 He, as her father, gave the bride away at the marriage of Johanne Frederikke Zerakitsky and Carl Valdemar Thomsen in the church, Skjern, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark, on 7 June 1889.30 Jörgen Zerakitzky became the godfather of his granddaughter Eleanora Johanne Nielsen on 10 August 1890 in the church, Skjern, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark.31,32 He became Karl Jörgen Nielsen's godfather at his grandson his baptism in the church, Skjern, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark, on 4 October 1891.33,34 Jörgen Zerakitzky became the godfather of his grandson Johannes Nielsen on 16 October 1892 in the church, Skjern, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark.35 Jörgen Zerakitzky became the godfather of his granddaughter Johanne Nielsen on 25 January 1894 in the church, Skjern, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark.36,37 Jörgen Zerakitzky became the godfather of his grandson Johannes Nielsen on 12 June 1898 in the church, Skjern, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark.38 Jörgen Zerakitzky died on 17 September 1900 in Skjern, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark, at age 78 years, 1 month and 27 days.39 He was buried on 21 September 1900 in the church cemetery, Skjern, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark. The rector of the parish conducted the services.40 He appeared in the census of 1845 in 835 Klostergade, Århus købsted, Århus amt, Denmark. He was recorded as being a 22-year-old unmarried man who was born in Århus County. His status in life was as a border and a journeyman shoemaker.41 He appeared on the census of 1 February 1860 at 4 Ensig, Skjern sogn, Bølling, Ringkøbing, Denmark. As the head of a household. He was recorded as being a married 38-year-old shoemaker, born in Aarhus, and a Lutheran42. Also in the household were three shoemaker apprentices, Iver Olsen, a 52-year-old divorced man born in Nyborg, Niels Olsen, a 47-year-old bachelor born in Nyborg, and Jos. Petersen, a 30-year-old bachelor born in Flensborg43.
Family | Johanne Lauridsen b. 14 Mar 1830, d. 4 Jun 1910 |
Children |
- [S104] Johanne F. Thomsen, Ventnor City NJ death certificate 64, spelled ZERAKITSKY.
- [S464] Kirkebøger: 67, rt. 3, birth & baptism record (19 May 1866), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 1.
- [S612] Kirkebøger 1822-1828: 8, rt. 33, male birth record (21 July 1822), Domsognet sogn, Århus, Hasle herred, Århus amt., Denmark, FHL mico-fiche no. 6110468, fiche 1.
- [S494] Kirkebøger 1892-1901: 171, number 7, death & burial record (1900), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, calculated from age at death, with the following recorded in death record: "født i Århus 78 års." He could have been born toward the end of 1821., FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S104] Johanne F. Thomsen, Ventnor City NJ death certificate 64, states the place of birth of father was Denmark.
- [S564] Kirkebøger: 27, no. 11, birth & baptism record (13 December 1856), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, FHL microfiche no. 6012302, fiche 1.
- [S555] Kirkebøger: 24, no. 9, birth & baptism record (1855), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, FHL microfiche no. 6012302, fiche 1.
- [S554] Kirkebøger: 59, rt. 9, marriage record (13 November 1853), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, FHL microfiche 6012302, fiche 2.
- [S554] Kirkebøger: 59, rt. 9, marriage record (13 November 1853), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, d. 13 Novembre 1853, i kirken, FHL microfiche 6012302, fiche 2.
- [S476] Kikebøger: 15-16, rt. 7, birth & baptism record (1868), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, 12th Juli i kirken, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 1.
- [S464] Kirkebøger: 67, rt. 3, birth & baptism record (19 May 1866), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jörgen Zerakitsky...i Eugsig, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 1.
- [S465] Kirkebøger: 87, rt. 5, birth & baptism record (14 May 1872), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jörgen Zerakitzky...i Eugsig, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 2.
- [S466] Kirkebøger: 79-80, rt. 6, birth & baptism record (25 August 1869), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jorgen Zerakitzky...i Eugsig, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 2.
- [S467] Kirkebøger: 3-4, rt. 2, birth & baptism record (1864), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 1.
- [S468] Kirkebøger: 231-232, rt. 1, death & burial record (1866), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Zerakitzky i Eugsig, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 3.
- [S469] Kirkebøger: 139-140, rt. 1, confirmation record (8 April 1877), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jõrgen Zerakitzky...i Eugsig, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 2.
- [S470] Kirkebøger: 169-170, rt. 7, confirmation record, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jõrgen Zerakitzky, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 3.
- [S473] Kirkebøger: 163-164, rt. 7, confirmation record (16 April 1871), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jörgen Zerakitzky...i Skjern Sogn, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 3.
- [S476] Kikebøger: 15-16, rt. 7, birth & baptism record (1868), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Zerakitzky i Eugsig, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 1.
- [S477] Kirkebøger: 161-162, rt. 6, confirmation record (4 April 1869), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jorgän Zerakitzky...i Eugsig, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 3.
- [S478] Kirkebøger: 250-251, rt. 4, death & burial record (1880), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jörgan Zerakitsky i Eugsig, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123304 fiche 4.
- [S479] Kirkebøger: 204-205, rt. 5, marriage record (6 May 1890), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Zerakitzky i Skjern, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123304 fiche 4.
- [S480] Kirkebøger: 202-203, rt. 3, marriage record (7 June 1889), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager J Zerakitzky af Skjern, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123304, fiche 4.
- [S481] Kirkebøger: 156-157, rt. 9, confirmation record (4 April 1880), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jörgen Zerakitzky i Eugsig; the S in Skomager is clear and most certainly an S. In other records the S looks as if it could be a B, but those records are in a different hand., FHL micho-fiche no. 6123304 fiche 3.
- [S487] Kirkebøger: 162-163, rt. 2, confirmation record (20 April 1884), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jörgen Zerkitzky...i Skjern, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123304 fiche 3.
- [S488] Kirkebøger: 186-187, rt. 5, confirmation record (11 April 1886), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jörgen Zerakitzky...i Skjern, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123304 fiche 3.
- [S493] Kirkebøger: 52, rt. 16, birth and baptism record (1890), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jörgen Zerakitzky i Skjern, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S494] Kirkebøger 1892-1901: 171, number 7, death & burial record (1900), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager i Skjern, giving his occupation and residence, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S825] 1860 Danish census in Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing amt., at page 82, Ensig, family no. 4, line 4, occupation given as "skomager."
- [S480] Kirkebøger: 202-203, rt. 3, marriage record (7 June 1889), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123304, fiche 4.
- [S493] Kirkebøger: 52, rt. 16, birth and baptism record (1890), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, 10 August 1890 døbt åer i kirken, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S514] Kirkebøger: 159, no. 4, female confirmation record (9 October 1904), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, date and place only, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S502] Kirkebøger: 6, rt. 22, birth & baptism record (1891), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, I. 4 Oktbr. i Kirken Gudfadderen--Kone Kristen Jörgensen, Pige Ane Mathiansen, Arbjdemand Erik Kristen Jörgensen, Skomager Jörgen Zerakitzky, alle af Skjern, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S513] Kirkebøger: 133, no. 7, confirmation record (1 October 1905), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, date only, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S491] Kirkebøger: 7, line 24, male birth record (1892), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, 16 Oktober, Pastor Moe, i Kirken, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S500] Kirkebøger: 72, no. 37, birth & baptism record (1893), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, 25 Januar 1894 Pastor Moe i Kirken Gudforældre--Kone Johanne Zerakitzky, Skjern Helene Kristensen, Skjern Ungkarl Kristian Jensen, Skjern Skomager Jörgen Zeratzky, Skjern, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S515] Kirkebøger: 172, no. 5, confirmation record (26 January 1908), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, recorded the date as 21 Januar 1894, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S499] Kirkebøger: 32, no. 13, male birth record (1898), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, 12 Juni Sognepriester i Kirken Gudforældre--Kone Anna Andersen, Kone Nikoline Gråbeck, Arestforvarer Ave Antonie Andersen, Barber Kristian Gråbeck, Blikkenslayer Koel Madsen, alle af Skjern, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S494] Kirkebøger 1892-1901: 171, number 7, death & burial record (1900), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, 17 September 1900 Skjern, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S494] Kirkebøger 1892-1901: 171, number 7, death & burial record (1900), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skjern Kirkgaard 21 September 1900, Af hviken Præst Begravelsen er forrettet--Sogneprasiten, FHL microfilm 0423710.
- [S567] 1845 Århus census.
- [S825] 1860 Danish census in Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing amt., at page 82, Ensig, family no. 4, line 4.
- [S825] 1860 Danish census in Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing amt., at page 82, Ensig, family no. 4, lines 10-12.
- [S553] Kirkebøger: 24, birth & baptism record (4 July 1854), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, FHL microfiche 6012302, fiche 1.
- [S470] Kirkebøger: 169-170, rt. 7, confirmation record, Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 3.
- [S561] Kirkebøger: 34, no. 3, birth & baptism record (1861), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, FHL microfiche no. 6012302, fiche 2.
- [S469] Kirkebøger: 139-140, rt. 1, confirmation record (8 April 1877), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 2.
- [S467] Kirkebøger: 3-4, rt. 2, birth & baptism record (1864), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skornnger Jögen Zerakitsky, listed as father, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 1.
- [S464] Kirkebøger: 67, rt. 3, birth & baptism record (19 May 1866), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jögen Zerakitsky, listed as father, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 1.
- [S466] Kirkebøger: 79-80, rt. 6, birth & baptism record (25 August 1869), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jögen Zerakitsky, listed as father, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 2.
- [S465] Kirkebøger: 87, rt. 5, birth & baptism record (14 May 1872), Skjern sogn, Bölling herred, Ringkøbing, Denmark, Skomager Jögen Zerakitsky, listed as father, FHL micho-fiche no. 6123303 fiche 2.