Nicholas Haldeman
M, b. 20 July 1671, d. before 16 September 1762
Father | Michael Haldiman b. c 1644 |
Mother | Madlena Gerber |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |

He left a will on 10 January 1745/46.16,17

In the Name of God, Amen. I, Nicholas Holteman of Coventry Township in Chester County and In the Providence of Pennsylvania---being in perfect health Praised be God Do make this my last Will and Testament as Followeth:
Imprimis: I will that my Dear wife Mairy shall have the Thirt a part of all my Estate of Lants and Tenaments and of all what Belongs to me and then again She shall have as much as any of her Children.
Item. I give to my son John Holteman Two Shilings Starling for his part or poetion of me.
Item. I will that my other six children Christian and Nicholas and Christopher Barbara Mairy and Maley Shall have al the Remainder of all my whole Estate and of what Belongs to me and it shall be Divided Equally amongst Theme But John shall have no more asthe above mentioned Two Shillings beCause he received of me for the Value of Twenty four pounds for his poetion and my son Christopher Shall have the plantation where I now dwell for Ever for one Hundred and sixty pounds and I hope that Jacob High and Jacob Engers will be Executors of this my last Will and Testament and trustees of my beloved wife or Else Christian Alebach and Michael Sickler and Valentine Hainsicker
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal Dated the Tenth Day of January and in the yare of our Lord one thousant seven hundred and fourty five/six.
Nicholas NHM Holteman
Jacob Lindeman
Jacob Engers junior
Andreas Heckmann.
His estate was probated on 16 September 1762 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.18,19

Philadelphia ss:
The seventeenth Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty two Personally appeared Before me William Plumsted, Esquire Register General of the Province of Pennsylvania Justus Lindeman of Coventry Township in the County of Chester, Weaver and also a Paper Writing signed NHM the mark of Nicholas Holdeman to a Seal and also signed by Jacob Lindeman, Jacob Engers junior and Andreas Heckmann which said Paper Writing being shewn unto him the said Justus Lindeman, He the said Justus Lindeman on his Solemn Oath which he made on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God did declare and say that he verily believes that the Name Jacob Lindeman subscribed as a Witness to the said Paper Writing is of this Deponant's Son Jacob's Hand Writing with which he this Deponant is well acquainted having often seen his said Son Jacob write and that the Name Jacob Lindeman so subscribed as aforesaid doth well agree with his said Son Jacob's Hand Writing. And this Deponant does further declare and say, that he verily believes that his said Son Jacob (who is now absent and gone to live out of this Province) did see the said Nicholas Holdeman sign seal publish and declare this Paper Writing to be the Last Will and Testament of the said Nicholas Holdeman decd. and that he also verily believes that his said son Jacob Lindeman did sign his name as a Witness thereunto. And further this Deponant saith not.
Justus Lindeman
Sworn the Day and Year abovesd. before me as as witnesseth my hand and seal.
Wm Plumsted, Reg Genl.
Philadelphia ss:
The seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-two Before me William Plumsted Esq Register General of the Province of Pennsylvania Personnally appeared Jacob Beery of Coventry Township in the County of Chester Yeoman And also a Paper Writing signed NHM the Mark of Nicholas Holteman to a Seal and also signed by Jacob Lindeman, Jacob Engers and Anders Heckmann, self same Paper Writing being shown unto him the said Jacob Beery, He the said Jacob Beery on his Solemn Affirmation according to Law did declare and say, that he verily believes that the Name Jacob Engers junior subscribed as a Witness to the said Paper Writing is of the said Jacob Engers junior deceased Hand Writing and that the Reason of his Belief is, that he the said Affirmant was well acquaintd. with the said Jacob Engers in his Life Time aand with his Hand Writing where with the Name so subscribed as aforesaid doth well agree And this Affirmant did further say that he verily believes that the said Jacob Engers jun. did see the said Nicholas Holteman sign seal and heard him publish and declare the said Paper Writing to be his the sd. Nicholas Holteman decd. last Will and Testament and that hethe sd. Affirmant also believes that the sd. Jacob Engers junr. decd. did subscribe his Name as a Witness thereunto. And further the sd. Affirmant saith not.
Affirmed the Day and year abovesaid before me as Witnesseth my Hand & Seal.
Wm Plumsted, Reg Genl.
An inventory of his estate was made on 23 September 1762 by Carrolus Heckman and Jacob Engel and filed on the 27th September.20,19 The estate consisted of:
The appeal valued to 7/7/6
his horse's Saddle and Bridle... 10/-/-
his Greymare " " " 9/5/-
his Rohn mare " " " 5/5/-
his Goald valued to 1/15/-
two cows " " 6/10/-
two cows " " 5/19/6
one cow " " 3/5/0
a Steer " " 2/-/-
nine Sheep valued to --------(obscured)
a Wagon " " 5/10/0
four pear of Traeses 0/16/0
two Prige Bands Valed. 0/12/0
four Gollors and heames 1/5/6
Blow and Blow Irons valiued at 1/5/6
a harro 1/0/0
axes and a gruping hoaw..... 0/12/11
Weading hoaws and a Shuaffel 0/8/6
five Inine 2/10/-
five Emty hogthets valued at 0/16/6
a gun 1/4/0
an apple mill 1/0/0
a Invingle Tree 0/3/6
maine and nedges 0/5/6
a Prichforck and Dung forcks 0/4/0
four hides of Beef 1/8/0
a hand saw valued at 0/7/6
Three oggers 0/9/0
Three Checkels 0/2/6
A Sleage 0/7/0
Chest and Table 1/5/0
Two Bed Steads 0/10/0
oult. Iron valued 0/15/6
a keadle 0/15/0
two iron pots 0/15/6
Pewder weare 0/10/0
a Bible valued at 1/0/0
more Boocks 0/18/9
two Srithes 0/4/6
two Spinining Wheels 0/10/0
a woolling wheel 0/5/6
Cash or Ready Money 3/10/0.
Family | Mary (?) |
Children |
- [S1050] Richard W Davis, Haldeman/Holdiman 1.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 53.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 58.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 58, citing Philadelphia Deed Book F 9, 297 13 August 1728 Rees Williams to Nicholas Holderman.
- [S749] Edwin L. Weaver, Holdeman Descendants, 10, mentions the purchase on 13 August 1728, date only, and fact that records are complete.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 66.
- [S749] Edwin L. Weaver, Holdeman Descendants, 10.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 61, specifically note 24.
- [S475] Barbara L. Weir and Laurie A. Rofini, "Qualifications for Naturalization", 367.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 59, 64.
- [S102] Persons Naturalized in the Province of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Archives, 306.
- [S749] Edwin L. Weaver, Holdeman Descendants, 11, "after Nicholas Haldeman had sold his farm in Salford Township, Montgomery County, then Philadelphia County, he removed to Chester County, where he purchased on April 12, 1743, a tract of land containing 200 acres."
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 63.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 63, note 28.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 56.
- [S1934] Philadelphia County probate file no. 54, 1762 (Administration Book G), will.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 64.
- [S1934] Philadelphia County probate file no. 54, 1762 (Administration Book G), probate.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 65.
- [S1934] Philadelphia County probate file no. 54, 1762 (Administration Book G), inventory.
Mary (?)
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Mary (?) was born probably in Switzerland. She married Nicholas Haldeman, son of Michael Haldiman and Madlena Gerber. Her married name was Haldeman. Mary (?) and Nicholas Haldeman immigrated before 1727 to Pennsylvania. They probably arrived in 1719 or 1720.1 They were accompied by their children Christian, Nicholas, Christopher, Barbara, Mary and Magdalena. Mary (?) and Nicholas lived between 1727 and 1742 in Salford, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. She was a trustee of in Lower Salford Mennonite Meetinghouse in Salford, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, in 1738.2 Mary (?) and Nicholas lived between 1742 and 1762 in Coventry Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Mary (?) was living in 1745 in Coventry Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania.3 She was buried probably next to her husband probably at in Coventry Mennonite Churchyard, Coventry Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania.4
Family | Nicholas Haldeman b. 20 Jul 1671, d. b 16 Sep 1762 |
Children |
Catherine Krey
F, b. 1715, d. 12 March 1807
Father | John Krey b. c 1677, d. 14 Feb 1719/20 |
Mother | Sytge Updegrave b. c 1692, d. c 1742 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Catherine Krey was born in 1715 in Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.1 She married Christian Haldeman, son of Nicholas Haldeman and Mary (?).2 Her married name was Haldeman. Catherine Krey and Christian lived between 1735 and 1800 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.3 Catherine Krey died on 12 March 1807 in Skippack region, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, at age 92 years.4 She was buried in Salford Mennonite Churchyard, Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.3
Family | Christian Haldeman b. b 1715, d. 23 Nov 1800 |
Children |
- [S58] Halterman Hollow, online <>, The Known Descendants of Nicholas Haldeman.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 56.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 60 n. 23.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 56, 60 n. 23.
John Krey
M, b. circa 1677, d. 14 February 1719/20
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
John Krey was born circa 1677 in Kreysheim, Palatinate, Germany.1 He married firstly, Helena (?), before 1702. John Krey purchased 306 acres Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, on 25 February 1702/3. The date on the deed is "Twelfth month 25, 1702". John Krey is described as a "yeoman" from Kreysfield living in Germantownship, while Matthias is described as a "merchant."2 He was naturalized on 28 September 1709. His son William was naturalized with him.3,4 He married secondly, Sytge Updegrave, daughter of Herman Isaaks Opdengraff and Deborah van Bebber, circa 1710. John Krey purchased from Lodwick Christian Sprogell 400 acres of land in Mahanatawney, on the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia County, now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania on 24 August 1714.4 He lived in New Hanover Township, Philadelphia County, presently Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.5 He died on 14 February 1719/20 in Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.3 He left a will on 14 February 1719/20 in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.6 The transcript of the Will read:
In the name of God Amen the fourteenth day of February in the year of our Lord 1719 I John Krey of
the County of Philadelphia in the province of Pennsylvania yeoman being very sick and weak in Body but of sound mind and memory thanks be given to God therefor Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed for all men once to Dye do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say principally & first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it & for my body I recomend it to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like & Decent Manner at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God and as Touching Such worldly estate wherewith it had pleased God to Bless me in this life I give devise & dispose of the same in the following manner & Form
Impremis I give and bequeath to Sytge my Dearly beloved Wife a Bed & one Cow w'th the third part of all my Household goods and moveables, as also for herself & her four children (viz) Deborah, Susannah, Catharina and John one half of all the Estate both moveables & Immoveables as Equally Shared among them Soon.
Item my Dear Children William, Maria, Peter and Jacob I give the other Half of my Estate both moveables & Immoveables Equally Shared among them. I likewise Constitute make and Ordain my Dearly beloved Wife Sytge John Henry Sprogle Dirk Opdegraf & Jacob Senseneg to be my only and sole
executors giving them full power of disposing or Selling my Estate if they think fit and I do hereby utterly
disallow revoke and disanul all my every former Testaments Wills and Legacies Bequests & execut'd by me in any ways before this time named Willed and bequeath Ratifying & Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will & Testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day & year
above written
JOHN KREY (seal)
Signed Sealed published pronounced & Declared by the said John Krey as his last Will & Testament in
the presence of us the Subscribers Henry Kassel, William Dewees Isaac Opdegraf his mark Then
personally appeared William Dewees Isaac Opdegraf two of the witnesses to the Foregoing Will & on
their oaths did declare they saw John Krey the Testator above named Sign Seal publish D Declare the
same as his last Will & Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory and
understanding to the best of their Knowledge
Regis'er Gen'el.
Be it remembered that on the 18th day of March 1719/20 the last Will and Testament of John Krey dec'd
was proven in due form of Law and prob'c & Letters of adm'n was granted to Sytge Krey & Isaac
Opdegraf ex'rs these in name being first sworn well and truly to adminester and to bring an Inventory of
the deced's Estate into the Register General's Office at Phila'a at or before the 18th day of April next to
render acc't when Required Given under the Seal of the said Office
& PET: EVANS Reg'er Gen'el.6 His estate was probated on 18 March 1719/20 in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.7,4 On 12 March 1742/43, his residence--described as a plantation--- in New Hanover Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, was sold to Melchoir High. The sale was made by his children.
In the name of God Amen the fourteenth day of February in the year of our Lord 1719 I John Krey of
the County of Philadelphia in the province of Pennsylvania yeoman being very sick and weak in Body but of sound mind and memory thanks be given to God therefor Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed for all men once to Dye do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say principally & first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it & for my body I recomend it to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like & Decent Manner at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God and as Touching Such worldly estate wherewith it had pleased God to Bless me in this life I give devise & dispose of the same in the following manner & Form
Impremis I give and bequeath to Sytge my Dearly beloved Wife a Bed & one Cow w'th the third part of all my Household goods and moveables, as also for herself & her four children (viz) Deborah, Susannah, Catharina and John one half of all the Estate both moveables & Immoveables as Equally Shared among them Soon.
Item my Dear Children William, Maria, Peter and Jacob I give the other Half of my Estate both moveables & Immoveables Equally Shared among them. I likewise Constitute make and Ordain my Dearly beloved Wife Sytge John Henry Sprogle Dirk Opdegraf & Jacob Senseneg to be my only and sole
executors giving them full power of disposing or Selling my Estate if they think fit and I do hereby utterly
disallow revoke and disanul all my every former Testaments Wills and Legacies Bequests & execut'd by me in any ways before this time named Willed and bequeath Ratifying & Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will & Testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day & year
above written
JOHN KREY (seal)
Signed Sealed published pronounced & Declared by the said John Krey as his last Will & Testament in
the presence of us the Subscribers Henry Kassel, William Dewees Isaac Opdegraf his mark Then
personally appeared William Dewees Isaac Opdegraf two of the witnesses to the Foregoing Will & on
their oaths did declare they saw John Krey the Testator above named Sign Seal publish D Declare the
same as his last Will & Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory and
understanding to the best of their Knowledge
Regis'er Gen'el.
Be it remembered that on the 18th day of March 1719/20 the last Will and Testament of John Krey dec'd
was proven in due form of Law and prob'c & Letters of adm'n was granted to Sytge Krey & Isaac
Opdegraf ex'rs these in name being first sworn well and truly to adminester and to bring an Inventory of
the deced's Estate into the Register General's Office at Phila'a at or before the 18th day of April next to
render acc't when Required Given under the Seal of the said Office
& PET: EVANS Reg'er Gen'el.6 His estate was probated on 18 March 1719/20 in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.7,4 On 12 March 1742/43, his residence--described as a plantation--- in New Hanover Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, was sold to Melchoir High. The sale was made by his children.
Family 1 | Helena (?) |
Children |
Family 2 | Sytge Updegrave b. c 1692, d. c 1742 |
Children |
- [S112] Elisha S. Loomis, Some Account of Jacob Oberholtzer, 144, place only.
- [S112] Elisha S. Loomis, Some Account of Jacob Oberholtzer, 144, citing Liber E 3, Vol. 6, p. 32, Phila.
- [S112] Elisha S. Loomis, Some Account of Jacob Oberholtzer, 145.
- [S1567] VanBebber newsletter, vol. 6, no. 1, John Krey biography.
- [S11] Carl Thurman Smith, "A Survey of Immigrants of the Haldeman Family", 63 n. 39.
- [S112] Elisha S. Loomis, Some Account of Jacob Oberholtzer, 146.
- [S112] Elisha S. Loomis, Some Account of Jacob Oberholtzer, 147.
Sytge Updegrave
F, b. circa 1692, d. circa 1742
Father | Herman Isaaks Opdengraff b. 1642 |
Mother | Deborah van Bebber b. c 1669, d. 1701 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Sytge Updegrave was born circa 1692 in Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. She was also listed as being born in 1684 in Europe, probably in Utecht in Holland but possibly at Krefeld. If she was born at this date her mother was Lisbet VanBebber, her father's first wife. It is also likely that Lisbet died giving birth for if Lisbet was the mother it was late in her life. Sytge Updegrave was also known as Psyche Updegrave. She married firstly, John Krey, circa 1710. Her married name was Krey. Sytge Updegrave married Hubert Cassel, son of Heinrich Cassel, circa 1721.1 Her married name was Cassel. Sytge Updegrave was described by her brother-in-law Yellis Cassel as being such a noble, kindhearted woman and so devotedly pious that he began to think she was one of a thousand, whose equal could not be found.2 Sytge Updegrave died circa 1742.1 She was buried in Lower Skippack Mennonite Meeting-house Cemetery, Lower Skippack Township, Philadelphia County, now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.3
Family 1 | John Krey b. c 1677, d. 14 Feb 1719/20 |
Children |
Family 2 | Hubert Cassel b. c 1687, d. 1745 |
Children |
Hubert Cassel
M, b. circa 1687, d. 1745
Father | Heinrich Cassel b. 1634, d. 1 Jul 1716 |
Hubert Cassel was born circa 1687 in Kriesheim, Germany.1 He immigrated in 1717 to Pennsylvania.1 He married Sytge Updegrave, daughter of Herman Isaaks Opdengraff and Deborah van Bebber, circa 1721.2 Hubert Cassel purchased from Dirk Renberg 150 acres of land in Van Bebber Township, later known as Skippack Township, Philadelphia County, being now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania on 16 November 1725.3 As of 1745, Hubert Cassel was also known as Huppert Kassle. He died in 1745.1 He was buried in Lower Skippack Mennonite Meeting-house Cemetery, Lower Skippack Township, Philadelphia County, now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.1 He left a will on 11 May 1745.4,5,6 The transcript of the Will read:
Be it known unto all whom it may concern That I Huppert Kassel of ye Township of Skippack and Perkiomen in ye County of Philadelphia, Weaver, being Sick and weak of Body, Nevertheless my Memory and understanding Sound and perfect, and Considering the uncertainity of my life, do make and oradain this my last Will and Testament this Eleventh day of May in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty-five. Impris. I Will that all my Just debts which I shall owe at ye time of my decease together with my funeral charges be duly observed and pd by my Executors herein named.
2ndly I give and bequeath unto my dear and Well beloved Wife Seythe Kassel the third part of all my movables throughout and fifteen pounds Lawful money of Pennsylvania payable to her by my two Sons Julius Kassel and Henry Kassel in Equal Shares Each when my daughter Mary arrives or Should so arrive to Twenty One years of Age.
I give unto my Said Wife my best Feather bed, Bedding and Bedstead with the furniture thereof Likewise her choice thereof one of all my Cows with the priviledge to dwell and abide in my dwelling house for and during ye time She remains my Widow unmarried, and if in case She proves uneasy with the Noisomness of the family my Son Henry shall find and provide for her a convenient apartment which Sd Legacys and privilege Shall be unto my Sd wife in Lieu of all other rights or Dowers out of my Estate, Real and personal whatsoever
3rdly I give and devise and bequeath unto my eldest Son Julius Kassel all my Land which I bought of William Johnson by the Metes and bounds thereof with all of its Improvements To be held by my Sd son Julius his heirs & Assigns from ye day of my decease thence forward and for ever he paying ye sum of Seventy pounds current Lawfull money of Pennsylvania for the use herein bequeathed, one part whereof is ye Seven pounds ten Shillings bequeathed to my Sd wife as above mentioned,
4thly I gve, devise and bequeath unto my second Son Henry Kassel all ye land and plantation whereupon I now dwell by ye Metes & bounds thereof Estimated to Contain Sixty four Acres (be ye Same more or less) with all the appurtenances & Improvements thereunto belonging, To be held by my Sd Son Henry his heirs and Assigns from ye day of my decease thenceforward and for ever He paying the Sum of Ninety five pounds Current Lawfully money of Pennsylvania for ye use hereby bequeathed one part whereof is the Seven pounds ten Shillings bequeathed to my said wife as above mentioned.
5thly I give and bequeath to my third Son Abraham Kassel my two Looms with all ye Gears and Utensils belonging thereunto, he paying unto my said wife ye Sum of three pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence therefrom when she requires.
6thly I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Elizabeth Holdeman, wife of Nicholas Holdeman, Jr., ye Sum of Ten pounds current Lawfull money as above said payable by my Executors out of my estate when my daughter Mary arrives or Should so arrive to Eighteen years of age.
7th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary the sum of Twenty pounds Current Lawfull money as aforesaid, payable unto her by my Executors when she arrives or should so arrive to Eighteen years of age.
8th and with respect to what shall remain over and above paying my Said debts and Legacies aforesaid I do hereby Will, direct and bequeath that ye Same shall be divided in five equal Shares between my Sd five children viz.: Julius, Henry, Abraham, Elizabeth and Mary, when my Sd daughter Mary arrives or Shall so arrive to twenty one years of age and payable then to each & every one of them by my Sd Executors and if in case any of my sd children dieth before my Sd daughter Mary arrives or Should so arrive to ye age aforesaid having Lawfull Issue to Survive, Such Issue or Issues shall have her or their parents' share, payable on the time and manner aforesaid.
9th and I do hereby Constitute, and debute, and appoint my Said Wife Sythe Kassel and my Said Son Julius Kassel, together with my Brother Julius (or Yellis) Kassel to be my Sole Executors of this, my Last Will and Testament giving them or Either of them (as the case may require by reason of death or other disability) full power to do and act in ye premises what may be neccessary and Lawfull, and in like manner I do by these presents nominate and Request my loving and Trusty friends and Neighbors Valentine Househere, of Ye Township of Skippack and Perkiomen, afiresaid yeoman, and Andrew Ziegler, of Salford, in the County of Philadelphia, Sadler, guardians over my children, Such as Shall be in their Minority at ye time of my decease giving them hereby full power and absolute authority to command, compell that this my said will, be duly observed, performed, fulfilled and kept, according to the purport, meaning, Tenor, true intent, thereof finally revoking and disannulling all other former Wills, Testaments, Legacies, Executors by me in any manner of ways before this time Willed, named and bequeatehed, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal dated the day and year first above written.
Signed, Sealed and declared by the Said Huppert Kassel, that the above written is his last Will and Testament In the presence of us Ye Subscribers.
John Bien
George Merkel
Robert Jones.
Salford the 7th day of October, 1745, Then personally appeared John Bien and George Merkel, Two of Ye Witnesses to the within written Will, and on their Solemn affirmation Respectively did declare they Saw and heard Hupert Kassel, The Testator within mentioned, Sign, Seal, publish and declare ye Same Will to be his last Will and Testament and that at ye doing thereof he was of Sound mind and understanding to the best of their Knoweldge.
coram Jacob Reiff
By authority from
William Plumstead, Reg. Gen.7 His will was proved on 7 October 1745 in Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.8,9,10
Be it known unto all whom it may concern That I Huppert Kassel of ye Township of Skippack and Perkiomen in ye County of Philadelphia, Weaver, being Sick and weak of Body, Nevertheless my Memory and understanding Sound and perfect, and Considering the uncertainity of my life, do make and oradain this my last Will and Testament this Eleventh day of May in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty-five. Impris. I Will that all my Just debts which I shall owe at ye time of my decease together with my funeral charges be duly observed and pd by my Executors herein named.
2ndly I give and bequeath unto my dear and Well beloved Wife Seythe Kassel the third part of all my movables throughout and fifteen pounds Lawful money of Pennsylvania payable to her by my two Sons Julius Kassel and Henry Kassel in Equal Shares Each when my daughter Mary arrives or Should so arrive to Twenty One years of Age.
I give unto my Said Wife my best Feather bed, Bedding and Bedstead with the furniture thereof Likewise her choice thereof one of all my Cows with the priviledge to dwell and abide in my dwelling house for and during ye time She remains my Widow unmarried, and if in case She proves uneasy with the Noisomness of the family my Son Henry shall find and provide for her a convenient apartment which Sd Legacys and privilege Shall be unto my Sd wife in Lieu of all other rights or Dowers out of my Estate, Real and personal whatsoever
3rdly I give and devise and bequeath unto my eldest Son Julius Kassel all my Land which I bought of William Johnson by the Metes and bounds thereof with all of its Improvements To be held by my Sd son Julius his heirs & Assigns from ye day of my decease thence forward and for ever he paying ye sum of Seventy pounds current Lawfull money of Pennsylvania for the use herein bequeathed, one part whereof is ye Seven pounds ten Shillings bequeathed to my Sd wife as above mentioned,
4thly I gve, devise and bequeath unto my second Son Henry Kassel all ye land and plantation whereupon I now dwell by ye Metes & bounds thereof Estimated to Contain Sixty four Acres (be ye Same more or less) with all the appurtenances & Improvements thereunto belonging, To be held by my Sd Son Henry his heirs and Assigns from ye day of my decease thenceforward and for ever He paying the Sum of Ninety five pounds Current Lawfully money of Pennsylvania for ye use hereby bequeathed one part whereof is the Seven pounds ten Shillings bequeathed to my said wife as above mentioned.
5thly I give and bequeath to my third Son Abraham Kassel my two Looms with all ye Gears and Utensils belonging thereunto, he paying unto my said wife ye Sum of three pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence therefrom when she requires.
6thly I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Elizabeth Holdeman, wife of Nicholas Holdeman, Jr., ye Sum of Ten pounds current Lawfull money as above said payable by my Executors out of my estate when my daughter Mary arrives or Should so arrive to Eighteen years of age.
7th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary the sum of Twenty pounds Current Lawfull money as aforesaid, payable unto her by my Executors when she arrives or should so arrive to Eighteen years of age.
8th and with respect to what shall remain over and above paying my Said debts and Legacies aforesaid I do hereby Will, direct and bequeath that ye Same shall be divided in five equal Shares between my Sd five children viz.: Julius, Henry, Abraham, Elizabeth and Mary, when my Sd daughter Mary arrives or Shall so arrive to twenty one years of age and payable then to each & every one of them by my Sd Executors and if in case any of my sd children dieth before my Sd daughter Mary arrives or Should so arrive to ye age aforesaid having Lawfull Issue to Survive, Such Issue or Issues shall have her or their parents' share, payable on the time and manner aforesaid.
9th and I do hereby Constitute, and debute, and appoint my Said Wife Sythe Kassel and my Said Son Julius Kassel, together with my Brother Julius (or Yellis) Kassel to be my Sole Executors of this, my Last Will and Testament giving them or Either of them (as the case may require by reason of death or other disability) full power to do and act in ye premises what may be neccessary and Lawfull, and in like manner I do by these presents nominate and Request my loving and Trusty friends and Neighbors Valentine Househere, of Ye Township of Skippack and Perkiomen, afiresaid yeoman, and Andrew Ziegler, of Salford, in the County of Philadelphia, Sadler, guardians over my children, Such as Shall be in their Minority at ye time of my decease giving them hereby full power and absolute authority to command, compell that this my said will, be duly observed, performed, fulfilled and kept, according to the purport, meaning, Tenor, true intent, thereof finally revoking and disannulling all other former Wills, Testaments, Legacies, Executors by me in any manner of ways before this time Willed, named and bequeatehed, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal dated the day and year first above written.
Signed, Sealed and declared by the Said Huppert Kassel, that the above written is his last Will and Testament In the presence of us Ye Subscribers.
John Bien
George Merkel
Robert Jones.
Salford the 7th day of October, 1745, Then personally appeared John Bien and George Merkel, Two of Ye Witnesses to the within written Will, and on their Solemn affirmation Respectively did declare they Saw and heard Hupert Kassel, The Testator within mentioned, Sign, Seal, publish and declare ye Same Will to be his last Will and Testament and that at ye doing thereof he was of Sound mind and understanding to the best of their Knoweldge.
coram Jacob Reiff
By authority from
William Plumstead, Reg. Gen.7 His will was proved on 7 October 1745 in Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.8,9,10
Family | Sytge Updegrave b. c 1692, d. c 1742 |
Children |
- [S843] Hupert and Syche Cassel gravestone, Lower Skippack Mennonite Meeting House Cemetery, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
- [S1567] VanBebber newsletter, vol. 6, no. 1, John Krey biography.
- [S1569] Daniel Kolb Cassel, Cassel family history 40.
- [S2041] Philadelphia Will Book H: 57, 58-59. Online.
- [S1569] Daniel Kolb Cassel, Cassel family history 42.
- [S1249] Richard W Davis, Cassel/Kassel p 1.
- [S1569] Daniel Kolb Cassel, Cassel family history 42-45, citing Philadelphia Will Book H, will no. 36, page 57.
- [S2041] Philadelphia Will Book H: 58-59. Online.
- [S1569] Daniel Kolb Cassel, Cassel family history 45.
- [S1249] Richard W Davis, Cassel/Kassel p 1, date only.
Herman Godshalk
M, b. 23 May 1767, d. 13 August 1850
Father | Samuel Johnson Godshalk1 b. c 1730 |
Mother | Maria (?) b. bt 1730 - 1735 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Herman Godshalk was born on 23 May 1767 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.2,3,4 He was a farmer.5,3 He was members of the Mennonite faith.3 He married Mary Clemens Stauffer, daughter of Mathias Stauffer and Anna Clemens, say 1796 in Pennsylvania. Herman Godshalk and Mary lived in Kulpsville, Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.6 In 1810 his name was also recorded as Harmin Godshalk.7 In 1820 his name was also recorded as Harman Godshalk.8 In 1840 his name was also recorded as Harmon Godshalk.9 Herman Godshalk left a will on 17 April 1841.1 He lived after 1830 in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.10,11,12 He died on 13 August 1850 in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, at age 83 years, 2 months and 21 days.5,3 He was buried in Towamencin Mennonite Church burial ground, Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.5 His estate was probated on 20 August 1850 in Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.1
Harmin was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was the free white male at least 45 years old. Residing with him were seven other free white persons, three males and four females. There were two males under the age of 10 years and one male at least 10 and under 16 years. There were two females under the age of 10 years, one female at least 10 years and under 16 years and one female at least 26 years old and under 45 years.7 Harman was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was the free white male at least 45 years old. Residing in his household were ten free white persons, four males and six females, with one person each engaged in agriculture and in manufacture. The other three males were one at least 10 and under 16 years old, and two at least 16 and under 26 years old. The females were two under the age of 10 years, one at least 10 years old and under 15 years, two at least 16 and under 26 years old and one at least 26 years old and under 45 years.8 Harmon was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was the free white male who was at least 60 and under 70 years of age. There was a free white male at least 10 years and under 15 years of age that cannot be probably identified.10 Harmon was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Towamencin Creek, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.9 Harmon was listed as John S. Baker's neighbor on the 1840 Census in Towamencin Creek, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.13 He was listed as a resident in the George Kline census report in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, on 21 September 1850. He was recorded as being an 85-year-old male who was born in Pennsylvania. His occupation was given as "none"14.12
Harmin was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was the free white male at least 45 years old. Residing with him were seven other free white persons, three males and four females. There were two males under the age of 10 years and one male at least 10 and under 16 years. There were two females under the age of 10 years, one female at least 10 years and under 16 years and one female at least 26 years old and under 45 years.7 Harman was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was the free white male at least 45 years old. Residing in his household were ten free white persons, four males and six females, with one person each engaged in agriculture and in manufacture. The other three males were one at least 10 and under 16 years old, and two at least 16 and under 26 years old. The females were two under the age of 10 years, one at least 10 years old and under 15 years, two at least 16 and under 26 years old and one at least 26 years old and under 45 years.8 Harmon was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was the free white male who was at least 60 and under 70 years of age. There was a free white male at least 10 years and under 15 years of age that cannot be probably identified.10 Harmon was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Towamencin Creek, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.9 Harmon was listed as John S. Baker's neighbor on the 1840 Census in Towamencin Creek, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.13 He was listed as a resident in the George Kline census report in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, on 21 September 1850. He was recorded as being an 85-year-old male who was born in Pennsylvania. His occupation was given as "none"14.12

Family | Mary Clemens Stauffer b. 24 Aug 1778, d. 27 Jul 1839 |
Children |
- [S1922] Montgomery County Will Book 9: 155-156.
- [S117] Michael James Godshalk, Godshalk History, 119.
- [S120] A.J. Fretz, The Stauffer-Stover Family History, 167.
- [S224] 1850 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Towmencin Township, page 195, dwelling 55, family 65, line 11, age given as 63, birthplace Pennsylvania.
- [S56] Rootsweb World Connect Project, The Godshalk History.
- [S744] Daniel Kolb Cassel, Kolb Genealogical History, 436, "Mary Stauffer, m. Harman Godshall; res. Kulpsville, Pa."
- [S1412] 1810 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towamencin Township), page 186, line 25.
- [S1411] 1820 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towamencin Township), page 202, line 2.
- [S1106] 1840 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towamencin Creek), page 144, line 18.
- [S1121] 1830 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towemencin Township), page 320, line 13.
- [S1106] 1840 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towamencin Creek).
- [S224] 1850 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Towmencin Township, page 195, dwelling 55, family 65.
- [S1106] 1840 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towamencin Creek), page 144, line 19.
- [S224] 1850 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Towmencin Township, page 195, dwelling 55, family 65, line 11.
Mary Clemens Stauffer
F, b. 24 August 1778, d. 27 July 1839
Father | Mathias Stauffer b. 1740, d. 1826 |
Mother | Anna Clemens b. c 1740 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Mary Clemens Stauffer was born on 24 August 1778.1,2 She married Herman Godshalk, son of Samuel Johnson Godshalk and Maria (?), say 1796 in Pennsylvania. Her married name was Godshalk. Mary Clemens Stauffer and Herman lived in Kulpsville, Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.3 Mary Clemens Stauffer died on 27 July 1839 in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, at age 60 years, 11 months and 3 days.1,2 Mary was probably a free white female, age 26 and under 45, in Harmin Godshalk's household on the 1810 Census in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.4 Mary was probably a free white female, age 26 and under 45, in Harman Godshalk's household, on the 1820 Census in Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.5
Family | Herman Godshalk b. 23 May 1767, d. 13 Aug 1850 |
Children |
- [S56] Rootsweb World Connect Project, The Godshalk History.
- [S120] A.J. Fretz, The Stauffer-Stover Family History, 167.
- [S744] Daniel Kolb Cassel, Kolb Genealogical History, 436, "Mary Stauffer, m. Harman Godshall; res. Kulpsville, Pa."
- [S1412] 1810 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towamencin Township), page 186, line 25.
- [S1411] 1820 U.S. census, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, (Towamencin Township), page 202, line 2.