Michael Reif
M, b. 13 June 1652, d. 1684
Father | Hans Heinrich Rÿff1 b. 19 Mar 1622 |
Mother | Anna Hitz1 b. 30 Mar 1617 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Michael Reif was baptized on 13 June 1652 in Wädenswil, Switzerland. His sponsors were Michael Scharrer and Barbel Schmid.2,3 Michael Reif was also known as Michel Reiff.1 Michael Reif was also known as Michel Rÿff. He appeared in the census of 1670 in Wädenswil, Switzerland, living with Hans Heinrich Rÿff and Anna Hitz as a son.1 Michael Reif lived in 1679 in Mettenheim, near Ibersheim, Germany.2 He married Kungold Hiestand in 1679.2,4 Michael Reif appeared on the census of 1682 in Wädenswil, Switzerland, with his two brothers and sister Joseph Reiff, Christen Reiff and Barbel Reiff.1 Michael Reif died in 1684 in Mettenheim, near Ibersheim, Germany.2,3 He appeared in the census enumerated on 1689 in Wädenswil, Switzerland, living with Hans Heinrich Rÿff and Anna Hitz as a son.1
Family | Kungold Hiestand b. 10 Jan 1657/58 |
Child |
Anneli Reif
F, b. circa 1683
Father | Michael Reif b. 13 Jun 1652, d. 1684 |
Mother | Kungold Hiestand b. 10 Jan 1657/58 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Anneli Reif was born circa 1683 in Mettenheim, near Ibersheim, Germany.1 She married Gerhart Clemens, son of Jacob Clemens, on 9 August 1702.2 Anneli Reif immigrated with her husband Gerhart Clemens on 6 May 1709 to London, England.3 Anneli Reif lived after 1710 in Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.4 She was the possible mother of Catharine Clemens.5 Anneli Reif was the possible mother of Maria (?)6 Anneli Reif and Gerhart lived in Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.4 Anneli Reif and Gerhart were Mennonites.
Family | Gerhart Clemens b. 1681, d. c 1745 |
Children |
- [S61] Jane Evans Best, "Hiestand Family", 59.
- [S59] William T Stauffer, "Hans Stauffer's Account Books", 297.
- [S1374] Richard W Davis, Clemens 1.
- [S59] William T Stauffer, "Hans Stauffer's Account Books", vol. X, 296.
- [S1063] Richard W Davis, Stauffer/Stouffer Part 1 p. 62.
- [S1239] Richard W Davis, Bechtel/Bächtold 4.
- [S1239] Richard W Davis, Bechtel/Bächtold 4, may have been.
Gerhart Clemens
M, b. 1681, d. circa 1745
Father | Jacob Clemens b. c 1650 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Gerhart Clemens was born in 1681 in Dittlesheim, Hesse, Germany.1 Conflicting evidence states that Gerhart Clemens was born in 1680.2,3 He married Anneli Reif, daughter of Michael Reif and Kungold Hiestand, on 9 August 1702.4 Gerhart Clemens lived before 1709 in Niederfloresheim, Germany.5 He and Anneli Reif arrived in London, England, on 6 May 1709.1 Gerhart Clemens immigrated in 1709 to Philadelphia.2 He was a 28-year-old linen weaver with a wife and two sons in 1709.1 He was the possible father of Mary (?). This relationship is said to be a tradition in the BERGEY family, but this tradition does not exist in the CLEMANS family.. The author also believes it unlikely, as the possible dates of birth do not make sense with the rest of the known facts.6 Gerhart Clemens settled in Bebber's Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, in 1711.7 He purchased from Matthias Van Bebber for the sum of thirty pounds 100 acres of land in Bebber's Township, later known as Skippack Township, in Philadelphia County, now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania on 1 May 1711.8,7 Gerhart Clemens was the possible father of Catharine Clemens.9 Gerhart Clemens was the possible father of Maria (?)10 Gerhart Clemens sold land from his brother-in-law Gerhart Clemens in in Pennsylvania to Daniel Stauffer on 8 January 1720. Daniel Stauffer purchased land Colebrookdale Township, Pennsylvania on 8 January 1720.11,12 Gerhart Clemens sold land in Perkiomen, Frederick Township, Philadelphia County, now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania to Henry Stauffer on 18 March 1720 and he received payment from hs brother-in-law on 3 January 1725.13 Gerhart Clemens built a mill, which stood until 1823 and was known as Alderfer's in 1726 in Perkiomen Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Jacob Sauter was employed to build it.3,14 In 1734 his name was also recorded as Garret Clements.15 Gerhart Clemens owned 150 acres of real property in 1734 in Sulford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, according to a return of the constables.15 He and Anneli lived in Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.16 Gerhart Clemens and Anneli were Mennonites. Gerhart Clemens died circa 1745.2
Family | Anneli Reif b. c 1683 |
Children |
- [S1374] Richard W Davis, Clemens 1.
- [S72] A. J. Fretz, Kratz Family History, 13.
- [S744] Daniel Kolb Cassel, Kolb Genealogical History, 433.
- [S59] William T Stauffer, "Hans Stauffer's Account Books", 297.
- [S61] Jane Evans Best, "Hiestand Family", 59.
- [S116] David Hendricks Bergey, Genealogy of Bergey Family, p. 3, in which he cites Heckler's History of Lower Salford Township.
- [S896] William Detwiller, (Map of) Bebber's Township, now known as Skippback Township, Montgomery County, PA, showing the original settlers, 1702 to 1724.
- [S121] Ralph Beaver Strassburger, Strassburger Family, 454-456.
- [S1063] Richard W Davis, Stauffer/Stouffer Part 1 p. 62.
- [S1239] Richard W Davis, Bechtel/Bächtold 4.
- [S1063] Richard W Davis, Stauffer/Stouffer Part 1 p. 29.
- [S120] A.J. Fretz, The Stauffer-Stover Family History, 260.
- [S1063] Richard W Davis, Stauffer/Stouffer Part 1 p. 42.
- [S1169] Richard W Davis, Sauter/Souder/Suter p. 1.
- [S1049] Landholders of Philadelphia County, 1734, 1:182.
- [S59] William T Stauffer, "Hans Stauffer's Account Books", vol. X, 296.
- [S1239] Richard W Davis, Bechtel/Bächtold 4, may have been.
Abraham Clemens
M, b. circa 1707, d. 24 April 1776
Father | Gerhart Clemens b. 1681, d. c 1745 |
Mother | Anneli Reif b. c 1683 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Abraham Clemens was born circa 1707 in Niederflörsheim, Germany.1 He immigrated with his parents Gerhart Clemens and Anneli Reif on 6 May 1709 to London, England.2 Abraham Clemens married Catherina Bachmann, daughter of Hans George Bachmann and Anna Maria Schnebelli. Abraham Clemens appeared on a tax list in 1769 in Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia County, now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He paid £21/9/4 in taxes on 250 acres, four horses and six cattle.3 In 1769 his name was also recorded as Abraham Clemans.3 He left a will on 9 March 1776 in Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.4 The transcript of the Will read:
In the Name of God AMEN. I Abraham Clemens of Lower Salford Township in Philada County Yeoman do find my Selfer Seak and Weak in Body But of sound Mamory and Understanding (Blased Be god). Therefore I do make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament. Inpr
I do deliver my Soul in the Hand of god Allmighty my Creator and my Body to the Earth to Be Buyred at the Direction of my Executors And Concerning my Worldly Estate I dispofse of the same in the following Manner first I will that all my Just debts and furnel Charges shall be just and fully paid by my hereafter named Executors. Item, I give and devise unto my well beloved Wife Catharina our Bed with the Bedsted and Duppel Cafses and the Cuttans, all her Cloths with a Walnut Cheast her Saddle and Bridle, our small Copper Kittle, and so much Household Goods as she shall want, one of the Beast Cows which she will and my large Biblia and Corse Sing Book and gulden aple, all this I give her to her on Use and dispofsal and further the sum of One Hundred & fifty Pounds Lawfull Money of Pensilvania Whereof she is to receive the Interest Yearly so long she remainds my Widow. And in Case my Wife those marry again then the said Sum shall be divided among my Childern or the Heirs of their Body in equal Shears as well as after her Defeace. And my Wife shall live with my hereafter named Son Abraham on my pleace where I now dwell in the Littel Stone House which She is to have for her free Living, so lang she remainds my Widow and my said Son shall Ceep her Cow in foder and paustur as good as he shall Ceep his on and give her Yearly so long she remainds my Widow Twelve Bushel of Rey and Ten Bushel of Wheat, and fifty Pound of good Beef and fifty pound of good Borke and Ten pound of good Hacheld flax or Hamp and Ten pound of Tow, and fier Wood so much as she shall want ready cut for her Use Delivered to the house and the fourth part of the Gardan and Dung Brought on the same by my said Son, so much as she shall tincke fit and She is to have the Liberty of Aples in the Orchard so much as she shall want for her Use all this Artules shall be Cept and paid to my Wife by my said Son Abraham his Heirs and Afsings during the Time she shall remaind my Widow.
Item. It is my Will That my Wife with my Childern shall Ceep house as We dit to the Bast of my Childern with my Estate one Year and Six Months, after my Decease, And Whereas I do own and pofsef Two Hundred and fifty Six Acres of Land or thereabout and I had the same devided into two Parts as the same may be Sin in the Draughts and the largest part Those Contain One hundred and Eighty five Acres and Forty Perches it is my Will that five or Six Acres shall be survayed of the same to the other Lefser part to begin on or near a Maple Corner and thence up to Jacob Clemenses Madow and then by a Stright Line to Dilman Ziegler's Land.
Item I give and devise unto my said Son Abraham Clemens the said largest part of my said Land with the Appurtenances thereunto Belonging and with the large Cloths Clafset and the Larg Kitchen Drefser Which Land will be One Hundred and Eighty Acres to have and to hold the same unto my said Son Abraham his Heirs and Afsings forever Which I do valua to him in the sum of Eight Hundred Pounds Lawfull Money of Pensilvania Whereof I give and devise unto him, the sum of Two Hundred Pounds for his Shear and the Remainder part of Six Hundred pounds he shall pay in payments of fifty pounds Yearly without Interest the first payment, payment whereof one Year after my Wife and Childern shall Braik up House Ceeping And the Lefser part of my Land which will Contain when the above mantioned five or Six Acres Surveyed to the same Seventy Six Acres or thereabout which I give and devise unto my Son Jacob to have and to hold to him his Heirs and Afsings forever with all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging with the Weaver Lum and all the gears belonging to the same.
Item. It is my Will Whil my Wife and Childern Ceeps House that the shall move the Old House on the Least mantioned Land to the Spring where we all ready hould the Stons and to build the same according to the Direction I dit give to my Executor about the same, and to pay the Cost out of my Estate And I do valua the same last mantioned Land to my said Son Jacob in the Sum of Four Hundred & fifty Pounds Lawful Money above said. Two Hundred pounds thereof I give and devise unto him and the Residue of the said Sum he shall pay in Payments of Twenty five pounds Yearly and the first payment thereof when my Son Abraham pays the first.
Item. it is my Will that my Wife and Childern shall sow Winter Grain on both Pleaces the Least Year the Ceep House and that shall be fore the Use of my Two Sons Abraham & Jacob. Leekwise shall the have halfe of all the Hay and Somer Ceap and my Son Abraham Rader more than halfe the Hay, Cause he is to Ceep my Wifs Cow, and the other halfe part with all my Movable Easte and Household goods shall be sold on Publick Vendur when the Eighteen Months Expired after my Decease. And Whereas I have none Land to give unto my Son Gerhart I give and Devise to him the Sum of Two Hundred and fifty Pounds Lawfull Money beforesaid One Hundred Pound thereof shall be paid to him Derectly after my Defease and One Hundred Pounds in Twelve Months after, and the fifty Pounds of the first Vendue Money that my Executors shall receive. And Whereas I dit give to my Childern that are marryed on household goods and Cattle to the Value of Thirty Pounds it is my Will that my Childern that are not marryed shall have the same Either in household Goods or Money And Whereas I dit give to my daughters Anna Mary and Catharina besides their Household goods the Sum of Seventy five Pounds to Each of them it is my Will that my three Youngest daughters, Elisabeth, Susanna and Hester, shall have Each of them the Sum of Seventy five pounds All this to be paid to my three Yougest Daughters when the are Eighteen Years of Age And Whereas I dit give to my Son Georg at the time he was married to the Valua of Thirty Pounds, and the further Sum of Two Hundred Pounds which I did allow to him in the Pleace he bought of me, which Sums is to be Charg'd to his Shear, And it is further my Will and I give and Devise the further Sum of Sixty Pounds Leicke Money before said to be equaly devided Between my Six daughters to be paid Each his Shear as my Executors shall receive the payments of my Sons Abraham and Jacob of my Real Estate, my Sons Gerhart, Abraham and Jacob is to Receive Each of them the Sum of Thirty Pounds Either in Household goods or Money: When the begin to Ceep house Leike my Son George.
Item. I give and Devise the farther Sum of five Pounds lawful Money of Pensilvania to be paid to the Elders of our Meeting in Lower Solford Township for the Use of the poor in the said Meeting to be paid by my Executors after my Defease.
Item. All the Residue of my Estate I give and Devise unto my Ten Childern or the Heirs of their Body In equal Shears and in Case one or more of my Childern should die before the are at Age or without Isue then his or their Shear shall be equaly devided Between my other Childern then Living or to the Heirs of Their Body.
Item. It is my Will that my Two Youngest daughters shall be under the Care of my Wife till they are of Age and it is my Will that my Wife shall recive the first payment of the Interest of the one Hundred & fifty Pounds one Year after the Breakup House Ceeping and then Yearly as Mantioned before.
Item. It is Leastly my Will and I do hereby Nomanet and apoint my Two Sons Georg and Abraham Sole Executors of this my Least Will and Testament and give them full Power herewith Do Do and Act according to the true Indent and Meaning herein Contained maiking void herewith all my other and former made Wills declaring this present to be my only active and Least Will and Testament. In Witnefs whereof I do these prfent have Set my hand and Seal hereunto the Ninth day of March in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Six.
Abrafam Cluinuns (Seal)
Signed Sealed and Declared by the said Abraham Clemens as his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us.
Jacob Heffelfinger
Efrighiour buriger
John Barky
Philada May 31st 1776 personally appeared Jacob Heffelfinger, Christian Barkey and John Barky the Witnefses to the foregoing Will and on their solemn Affirmations according to Law did declare that they saw and heard Abraham Clemens the Testator therein named Sign Seal publish and declare the same Will for and as his last Will and Testament And that at the Execution thereof he was of sound disposing Mind Memory and Understanding to the best of their Knowledge & Belief.
Coram Benjamin Chow Reg. Genl.
Be it remembered on the 31st day of May 1776 the last Will and Testament of Abraham Clemens deceased in due Form of Law was proved And Probate and Letters Testamentary granted to George Clemens and Abraham Clemens Executors of the said Will named they having been duly affirmed well and truly to administer the said deceased's Estate and bring an Inventory thereof into the Register Generals Office at Philadelphia on or before the 30th day of June next And render a true and Just Account of the said Administration on or before the 31st day of May 1777 or when thereto legally required.
Given under the Seal of the s.d Office.
Benjamin Chew, Reg. Genl. He died on 24 April 1776. He was buried in Lower Salford Mennonite Cemetery, Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia County, now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
His estate was probated on 31 May 1776 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.5
In the Name of God AMEN. I Abraham Clemens of Lower Salford Township in Philada County Yeoman do find my Selfer Seak and Weak in Body But of sound Mamory and Understanding (Blased Be god). Therefore I do make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament. Inpr
I do deliver my Soul in the Hand of god Allmighty my Creator and my Body to the Earth to Be Buyred at the Direction of my Executors And Concerning my Worldly Estate I dispofse of the same in the following Manner first I will that all my Just debts and furnel Charges shall be just and fully paid by my hereafter named Executors. Item, I give and devise unto my well beloved Wife Catharina our Bed with the Bedsted and Duppel Cafses and the Cuttans, all her Cloths with a Walnut Cheast her Saddle and Bridle, our small Copper Kittle, and so much Household Goods as she shall want, one of the Beast Cows which she will and my large Biblia and Corse Sing Book and gulden aple, all this I give her to her on Use and dispofsal and further the sum of One Hundred & fifty Pounds Lawfull Money of Pensilvania Whereof she is to receive the Interest Yearly so long she remainds my Widow. And in Case my Wife those marry again then the said Sum shall be divided among my Childern or the Heirs of their Body in equal Shears as well as after her Defeace. And my Wife shall live with my hereafter named Son Abraham on my pleace where I now dwell in the Littel Stone House which She is to have for her free Living, so lang she remainds my Widow and my said Son shall Ceep her Cow in foder and paustur as good as he shall Ceep his on and give her Yearly so long she remainds my Widow Twelve Bushel of Rey and Ten Bushel of Wheat, and fifty Pound of good Beef and fifty pound of good Borke and Ten pound of good Hacheld flax or Hamp and Ten pound of Tow, and fier Wood so much as she shall want ready cut for her Use Delivered to the house and the fourth part of the Gardan and Dung Brought on the same by my said Son, so much as she shall tincke fit and She is to have the Liberty of Aples in the Orchard so much as she shall want for her Use all this Artules shall be Cept and paid to my Wife by my said Son Abraham his Heirs and Afsings during the Time she shall remaind my Widow.
Item. It is my Will That my Wife with my Childern shall Ceep house as We dit to the Bast of my Childern with my Estate one Year and Six Months, after my Decease, And Whereas I do own and pofsef Two Hundred and fifty Six Acres of Land or thereabout and I had the same devided into two Parts as the same may be Sin in the Draughts and the largest part Those Contain One hundred and Eighty five Acres and Forty Perches it is my Will that five or Six Acres shall be survayed of the same to the other Lefser part to begin on or near a Maple Corner and thence up to Jacob Clemenses Madow and then by a Stright Line to Dilman Ziegler's Land.
Item I give and devise unto my said Son Abraham Clemens the said largest part of my said Land with the Appurtenances thereunto Belonging and with the large Cloths Clafset and the Larg Kitchen Drefser Which Land will be One Hundred and Eighty Acres to have and to hold the same unto my said Son Abraham his Heirs and Afsings forever Which I do valua to him in the sum of Eight Hundred Pounds Lawfull Money of Pensilvania Whereof I give and devise unto him, the sum of Two Hundred Pounds for his Shear and the Remainder part of Six Hundred pounds he shall pay in payments of fifty pounds Yearly without Interest the first payment, payment whereof one Year after my Wife and Childern shall Braik up House Ceeping And the Lefser part of my Land which will Contain when the above mantioned five or Six Acres Surveyed to the same Seventy Six Acres or thereabout which I give and devise unto my Son Jacob to have and to hold to him his Heirs and Afsings forever with all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging with the Weaver Lum and all the gears belonging to the same.
Item. It is my Will Whil my Wife and Childern Ceeps House that the shall move the Old House on the Least mantioned Land to the Spring where we all ready hould the Stons and to build the same according to the Direction I dit give to my Executor about the same, and to pay the Cost out of my Estate And I do valua the same last mantioned Land to my said Son Jacob in the Sum of Four Hundred & fifty Pounds Lawful Money above said. Two Hundred pounds thereof I give and devise unto him and the Residue of the said Sum he shall pay in Payments of Twenty five pounds Yearly and the first payment thereof when my Son Abraham pays the first.
Item. it is my Will that my Wife and Childern shall sow Winter Grain on both Pleaces the Least Year the Ceep House and that shall be fore the Use of my Two Sons Abraham & Jacob. Leekwise shall the have halfe of all the Hay and Somer Ceap and my Son Abraham Rader more than halfe the Hay, Cause he is to Ceep my Wifs Cow, and the other halfe part with all my Movable Easte and Household goods shall be sold on Publick Vendur when the Eighteen Months Expired after my Decease. And Whereas I have none Land to give unto my Son Gerhart I give and Devise to him the Sum of Two Hundred and fifty Pounds Lawfull Money beforesaid One Hundred Pound thereof shall be paid to him Derectly after my Defease and One Hundred Pounds in Twelve Months after, and the fifty Pounds of the first Vendue Money that my Executors shall receive. And Whereas I dit give to my Childern that are marryed on household goods and Cattle to the Value of Thirty Pounds it is my Will that my Childern that are not marryed shall have the same Either in household Goods or Money And Whereas I dit give to my daughters Anna Mary and Catharina besides their Household goods the Sum of Seventy five Pounds to Each of them it is my Will that my three Youngest daughters, Elisabeth, Susanna and Hester, shall have Each of them the Sum of Seventy five pounds All this to be paid to my three Yougest Daughters when the are Eighteen Years of Age And Whereas I dit give to my Son Georg at the time he was married to the Valua of Thirty Pounds, and the further Sum of Two Hundred Pounds which I did allow to him in the Pleace he bought of me, which Sums is to be Charg'd to his Shear, And it is further my Will and I give and Devise the further Sum of Sixty Pounds Leicke Money before said to be equaly devided Between my Six daughters to be paid Each his Shear as my Executors shall receive the payments of my Sons Abraham and Jacob of my Real Estate, my Sons Gerhart, Abraham and Jacob is to Receive Each of them the Sum of Thirty Pounds Either in Household goods or Money: When the begin to Ceep house Leike my Son George.
Item. I give and Devise the farther Sum of five Pounds lawful Money of Pensilvania to be paid to the Elders of our Meeting in Lower Solford Township for the Use of the poor in the said Meeting to be paid by my Executors after my Defease.
Item. All the Residue of my Estate I give and Devise unto my Ten Childern or the Heirs of their Body In equal Shears and in Case one or more of my Childern should die before the are at Age or without Isue then his or their Shear shall be equaly devided Between my other Childern then Living or to the Heirs of Their Body.
Item. It is my Will that my Two Youngest daughters shall be under the Care of my Wife till they are of Age and it is my Will that my Wife shall recive the first payment of the Interest of the one Hundred & fifty Pounds one Year after the Breakup House Ceeping and then Yearly as Mantioned before.
Item. It is Leastly my Will and I do hereby Nomanet and apoint my Two Sons Georg and Abraham Sole Executors of this my Least Will and Testament and give them full Power herewith Do Do and Act according to the true Indent and Meaning herein Contained maiking void herewith all my other and former made Wills declaring this present to be my only active and Least Will and Testament. In Witnefs whereof I do these prfent have Set my hand and Seal hereunto the Ninth day of March in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Six.
Abrafam Cluinuns (Seal)
Signed Sealed and Declared by the said Abraham Clemens as his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us.
Jacob Heffelfinger
Efrighiour buriger
John Barky
Philada May 31st 1776 personally appeared Jacob Heffelfinger, Christian Barkey and John Barky the Witnefses to the foregoing Will and on their solemn Affirmations according to Law did declare that they saw and heard Abraham Clemens the Testator therein named Sign Seal publish and declare the same Will for and as his last Will and Testament And that at the Execution thereof he was of sound disposing Mind Memory and Understanding to the best of their Knowledge & Belief.
Coram Benjamin Chow Reg. Genl.
Be it remembered on the 31st day of May 1776 the last Will and Testament of Abraham Clemens deceased in due Form of Law was proved And Probate and Letters Testamentary granted to George Clemens and Abraham Clemens Executors of the said Will named they having been duly affirmed well and truly to administer the said deceased's Estate and bring an Inventory thereof into the Register Generals Office at Philadelphia on or before the 30th day of June next And render a true and Just Account of the said Administration on or before the 31st day of May 1777 or when thereto legally required.
Given under the Seal of the s.d Office.
Benjamin Chew, Reg. Genl. He died on 24 April 1776. He was buried in Lower Salford Mennonite Cemetery, Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia County, now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

Family | Catherina Bachmann b. 25 Aug 1722 |
Children |
- [S1374] Richard W Davis, Clemens 2.
- [S1374] Richard W Davis, Clemens 1.
- [S608] Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1769 Tax list, p. 7, Abraham Clemans entry, FHL microfiche 6049503.
- [S951] Philadelphia Will Book Q, no. 249: 295, 296. FHL microfilm 0021727.
- [S951] Philadelphia Will Book Q, no. 249: 296-297. FHL microfilm 0021727.
Mathias Stauffer1
M, b. 1740, d. 1826
Father | Christian Stouffer1 b. c 1709, d. 1781 |
Mother | Elizabeth (?) |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Mathias Stauffer lived in Franconia Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.2 He was born in 1740. Mathias Stauffer was also known as Matthias Stover. He married Anna Clemens, daughter of Abraham Clemens and Catherina Bachmann. In Christian Stouffer's will, proved 11 January 1782, Mathias was named by Christian to handle his estate.1 Mathias Stauffer and Anna lived in Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.3 Mathias Stauffer and Anna lived in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.4 Mathias Stauffer and Anna were Mennonites.4,5 Mathias Stauffer appeared on a tax list in 1785 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He paid one pound, 10 shillings, 11 pence on property consisting of 80 acres and more of land, two horses, three cows and his occupation.6 He appeared on a tax list in 1786 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He paid one pound, nine shillings, 10 pence on property consisting of 80 acres and more of land, two horses, three cows and his occupation.7 He appeared on a tax list in 1787 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He paid one pound, 10 shillings, one pence on property consisting of 80 acres and more of land, three horses, five cows and his occupation.8
He appeared on a tax list in 1788 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He paid one pound, nine shillings, five pence on property consisting of 80 acres and more of land, three horses, five cows and his occupation.9 He was a farmer.4 He died in 1826 at age 86 years.4 He was buried in Towamencin burial ground, Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.4 He left a will on 24 January 1823.4
The transcript of the Will read:
In the Name of God, Amen. Be it Remembered that I Matthias Stover of Towamensing Township in the County of Montgomery and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being advanced in Years, but of sound mind memory and understanding, Blessed be God for the same, but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life do, think proper to make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following to Wit:
First, I order all my Just Debts and funeral expenses to be paid out of my personal Estate, by my Executors, as soon after my decease as may be.
I give unto my beloved Wife Ann Stover the sum of one hundred Pounds absolutely to be paid to her in one year after my decease, or sooner if so much money is in the hands of my Executors.
Item. It is my will that the sum of two hundred Pounds be put and remain in the hands of each of my Children, to wit--Christian Stover, Catherine intermarried to Jacob Stover, Abraham Stover, Mary intermarried to Henry Godchild, and Susanna intermarried to Cornelius Custer, and that the interest thereof at five per cent be paid by each of them, Yearly and every Year unto my said Wife during her natural lifetime.
Item. I give unto my wife affordsaid, all my household goods kitchen furniture and implements of Husbandry, or as many of them as she may choose to keep for her own use during her natural lifetime.
Item, It is my will that my Executors expose my real estate to Public Sale as soon after my decease as may be, And I do hereby authorise and fully empower them, or the survivor of them, to Execute a Lawful Deed or Deeds, to the purchaser or purchasers ---And should any personal property remain that my wife do not choose to take, I likewise order the same to be sold by public sale by my Executors.
Item, It is my Will that all the monies from my real and personal Estate, or otherwise however, after my Just Debts & funeral Expenses and all other expenses be paid, shall be divided in six equal shares, and that five of my Children above mentioned have one share each, to be paid to them their heirs or legal representatives, as soon as such money is collected (one shares, or the one-sixth share I order to be paid to the lawful Issue of my Daughter Elizabeth Deceased, who had been intermarried to Abraham Reiff, or their heirs and legal representatives. And whereas I have an obligation, and note of hand against said Abraham Reiff, Between three and four hundred dollars, it is my express Will and meaning that the said amount of the Obligation, and note of hand be deducted first and foremost out of the said share of my said Daughter Elizabeth Deceased.
Item, It is my Will that if any of my said Children make and charge to my Estate for services rendered after they became of age, that their shares be deducted to that amount, as I have considered them in my life time.----
And Lasley I nominate constitute and appoint my two sons Christian Stover and Abraham Stover to be my Executors of this my last will and testament, hereby Revoking all other Wills, and declaring this and no other to be my last will and testament. ----
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty-fourth day of January in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.
Matthias Stover
Signed, sealed published pronounced
& declared by the Testator as his last
Will & Testament in the presence of us
John Baker
David Kulp
Montgomery County ss:
Personally appeared the witnesses to the foregoing will of Matthias Stover and being duly affirmed according to law, upon their solemn affirmation respectively did say that they saw and heard the said Matthias Stover the testator therein named, sign & seal publish pronounce & declare the same will for and as his last will & testament and at the doing of it he was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Affirmed Octr. 3rd 1826----Cor. Geo. M Potts, D.R.
Be it Remembered that on the 3rd day of October AD 1826 the foregoing will of Matthias Stover was proved in due form of Law and Letters Testamentary granted unto Christian Stover and Abraham Stover Executors therein named they having first been Affirmed to execute the same and to render an account according to Law. And to comply with the provisions of an act of Assembly relative to collateral inheritances. Given under the hand and seal of Office and Registration October 3rd 1826.
His estate was probated on 3 October 1826 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.10,4 He appeared in the census enumerated in 1786 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.11
He appeared on a tax list in 1788 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He paid one pound, nine shillings, five pence on property consisting of 80 acres and more of land, three horses, five cows and his occupation.9 He was a farmer.4 He died in 1826 at age 86 years.4 He was buried in Towamencin burial ground, Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.4 He left a will on 24 January 1823.4

In the Name of God, Amen. Be it Remembered that I Matthias Stover of Towamensing Township in the County of Montgomery and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being advanced in Years, but of sound mind memory and understanding, Blessed be God for the same, but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life do, think proper to make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following to Wit:
First, I order all my Just Debts and funeral expenses to be paid out of my personal Estate, by my Executors, as soon after my decease as may be.
I give unto my beloved Wife Ann Stover the sum of one hundred Pounds absolutely to be paid to her in one year after my decease, or sooner if so much money is in the hands of my Executors.
Item. It is my will that the sum of two hundred Pounds be put and remain in the hands of each of my Children, to wit--Christian Stover, Catherine intermarried to Jacob Stover, Abraham Stover, Mary intermarried to Henry Godchild, and Susanna intermarried to Cornelius Custer, and that the interest thereof at five per cent be paid by each of them, Yearly and every Year unto my said Wife during her natural lifetime.
Item. I give unto my wife affordsaid, all my household goods kitchen furniture and implements of Husbandry, or as many of them as she may choose to keep for her own use during her natural lifetime.
Item, It is my will that my Executors expose my real estate to Public Sale as soon after my decease as may be, And I do hereby authorise and fully empower them, or the survivor of them, to Execute a Lawful Deed or Deeds, to the purchaser or purchasers ---And should any personal property remain that my wife do not choose to take, I likewise order the same to be sold by public sale by my Executors.
Item, It is my Will that all the monies from my real and personal Estate, or otherwise however, after my Just Debts & funeral Expenses and all other expenses be paid, shall be divided in six equal shares, and that five of my Children above mentioned have one share each, to be paid to them their heirs or legal representatives, as soon as such money is collected (one shares, or the one-sixth share I order to be paid to the lawful Issue of my Daughter Elizabeth Deceased, who had been intermarried to Abraham Reiff, or their heirs and legal representatives. And whereas I have an obligation, and note of hand against said Abraham Reiff, Between three and four hundred dollars, it is my express Will and meaning that the said amount of the Obligation, and note of hand be deducted first and foremost out of the said share of my said Daughter Elizabeth Deceased.
Item, It is my Will that if any of my said Children make and charge to my Estate for services rendered after they became of age, that their shares be deducted to that amount, as I have considered them in my life time.----
And Lasley I nominate constitute and appoint my two sons Christian Stover and Abraham Stover to be my Executors of this my last will and testament, hereby Revoking all other Wills, and declaring this and no other to be my last will and testament. ----
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty-fourth day of January in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.
Matthias Stover
Signed, sealed published pronounced
& declared by the Testator as his last
Will & Testament in the presence of us
John Baker
David Kulp
Montgomery County ss:
Personally appeared the witnesses to the foregoing will of Matthias Stover and being duly affirmed according to law, upon their solemn affirmation respectively did say that they saw and heard the said Matthias Stover the testator therein named, sign & seal publish pronounce & declare the same will for and as his last will & testament and at the doing of it he was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Affirmed Octr. 3rd 1826----Cor. Geo. M Potts, D.R.
Be it Remembered that on the 3rd day of October AD 1826 the foregoing will of Matthias Stover was proved in due form of Law and Letters Testamentary granted unto Christian Stover and Abraham Stover Executors therein named they having first been Affirmed to execute the same and to render an account according to Law. And to comply with the provisions of an act of Assembly relative to collateral inheritances. Given under the hand and seal of Office and Registration October 3rd 1826.
His estate was probated on 3 October 1826 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.10,4 He appeared in the census enumerated in 1786 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.11
Family | Anna Clemens b. c 1740 |
Children |
- [S939] Philadelphia Will Book S: no. 58. FHL microfilm 21728.
- [S120] A.J. Fretz, The Stauffer-Stover Family History, 54.
- [S744] Daniel Kolb Cassel, Kolb Genealogical History, 433, "res., Kulpsville, Pa."
- [S120] A.J. Fretz, The Stauffer-Stover Family History, 164.
- [S1063] Richard W Davis, Stauffer/Stouffer Part 1 p. 62.
- [S2122] Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1785 Tax and Exoneration List, 68 line 20, 126, microfilm roll 330.
- [S2123] Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1786 Tax and Exoneration List, 81 line 18, 134, microfilm roll 330.
- [S2124] Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1787 Tax and Exoneration List, 55 line 34, 103, microfilm roll 330.
- [S2125] Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1788 Tax and Exoneration List, 56 line 26, 67, microfilm roll 330.
- [S2035] Montgomery County Will Book 6: 385.
- [S2034] 1786 state census, Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, page 34, line 61. Online at Ancestry.com.
Anna Clemens
F, b. circa 1740
Father | Abraham Clemens b. c 1707, d. 24 Apr 1776 |
Mother | Catherina Bachmann b. 25 Aug 1722 |
Charts | Ancestors of Chuck Wolfram |
Anna Clemens was born circa 1740. She married Mathias Stauffer, son of Christian Stouffer and Elizabeth (?). Her married name was Stauffer. Anna Stauffer and Mathias lived in Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.1 Anna Stauffer and Mathias lived in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.2 Anna Stauffer and Mathias were Mennonites.2,3 Anna Clemens was living in 1823. She was buried in Towamencin Mennonite Church burial ground, Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.2
Family | Mathias Stauffer b. 1740, d. 1826 |
Children |